Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Multiple Moles Tied To Breast Cancer Risk

The number of moles located on a woman’s left arm may the simplest way to predict whether a she will get breast cancer has been demonstrated in two new studies. The first was lead by researcher Marina Kvaskoff, PhD, a fellow at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School who’s E3N Teachers Study Cohort tracked more than 89,900 women over an 18-year period. The second, known as the Nurses’ Health Study in the United States, followed 74,523 women for 24 years. What they both found was that “women with 15 or more moles on their left arm were up to 35% more likely to develop breast cancer, compared to women with no moles on their arm.”

Moles on Your Arm May Help to Assess Skin And Breast Cancer Risk

“We don’t think that nevi actually cause breast cancer, but there could be several reasons for the association we observed, including genetic and hormonal factors,” stated Kvaskoff.

Her study suggested that genes could be a key player in risk for both conditions, while the Nurses’ Health Study linked the number of moles on a woman’s arm to higher blood levels of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, which in turn may contribute to breast cancer risk. “We know that having a large number of common nevi is the number one risk factor for melanoma, and that there’s a link between melanoma and breast cancer, and earlier studies have connected skin moles to increased risk for a number of other disorders influenced by hormones, including endometriosis (a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the pelvis), uterine fibroids, and thyroid disease,” she continued.

It was also noted that hormones during pregnancy have a tendency to increase the size and deepen the color of moles. Meanwhile, researchers involved with the Nurses Study found that postmenopausal women with upwards of 6 moles had “higher blood levels of estrogen and testosterone, compared to women without any,” and led them to surmise that “that moles may be a marker of higher hormonal levels, which in turn may predict breast cancer risk.”

Moles Tied To Breast Cancer


Too Many Women Electing Unnecessary Double Mastecomies

Despite so much information about breast cancer risks available, a new study published in JAMA Surgery last month found that many breast cancer patients are electing to have a double mastectomy even when their individual risks don’t justify such drastic surgery.

Double Mastectomies

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Women with the BRCA 1 or 2 genetic mutation and/or those with a very strong family history of breast cancer do have a significantly high risk for developing breast cancer and for them, prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, may be appropriate.

Fewer than 10 percent of women with newly diagnosed breast cancer in one breast are estimated to have one or both of these clinical indications.

However, when lead author Sarah Hawley, PhD, MPH, an associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and her colleagues evaluated the medical records of more than 1400 women with diagnosed breast cancer in one breast, nearly 70 percent of those who had their unaffected breast removed were never at high risk for developing a new cancer.

The authors stated that it is misplaced fear that drives the decision.

In addition to the obvious need for better education of the patient regarding risks, the authors correctly question how surgeons who agree to such an extensive procedure which is not clinically indicated can justify that decision simply to reduce their patient’s fear.

Clearly there is a need for women to feel more empowered when faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer, to take a deep breath when they first hear the terrifying words “you have cancer” and then take some time to understand their individual risks and options. Often that may mean seeking more than one opinion.

Breast Surgery After Breast Cancer

Friday, February 14, 2020

Testosterone Does Not Promote Atherosclerosis or Improved Sex Life in Older Men

Testosterone replacement therapy has been touted by many manufacturers as a panacea for failing sexual function in older men as well as a treatment for a host of age-related diseases. Testosterone supplementation has come under scrutiny after some studies have shown that the therapy increased the risk of cardiovascular disease. Shalender Bhasin and colleagues at Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard Medical School in Boston are the first to report that testosterone therapy has no increased risk of producing progressive atherosclerosis. The study was reported in the August 11, 2015, edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Testosterone Therapy Increased The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease In Older Men

The researchers examined the effects of a 7.5 gram dose of 1 percent testosterone on a group of 156 men that were 60 years of age and older for three years. An equal number of men of the same age received a placebo. The average increase in testosterone brought testosterone levels to between 500 and 900 nanograms per deciliter in the men that received testosterone. Progression of atherosclerosis was measured in the thickening of the carotid artery and the build up of calcium in the carotid artery because an increase in atherosclerosis in the carotid artery can lead to stroke and death. No difference was found in the progression of atherosclerosis in the two groups of men.

Both groups of men reported equivalent lack of improvement in sexual function, a desire for sex, and any increased level of intimacy. An increase in the number of red blood cells was seen in the group of men that used testosterone. Improved red blood cell function is one of the promised benefits of testosterone therapy. The researchers are urgent in their report that their research does not eliminate testosterone therapy as a cause for increased risk of cardiovascular disease in men over 60 years of age.

Testosterone Therapy Can Boost Sex Life In Older Men

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why Sex is an Important Overall Component of a Healthy Lifestyle

If you went by how the media portrays sex, you could easily be misled on why sex is such a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. In the media and on television and the internet, sex is often portrayed for arousal only as a tool for sales. From pornography to nudity and lust, sex is often portrayed as something many might consider taboo. On the other side of the coin you have Viagra commercials and now a new women's Viagra. This represents the other side of the spectrum, which deals with curing dysfunction.

Aerobic Exercise Can Help Boost Your Metabolism

However, what the media often fails to do is identify why sex is such a crucial overall component of a healthy lifestyle and how it can help assist you in your weight loss and fitness goals. Here's a look at some of the most healthy benefits of sex.

Weight Loss

It's great that you are on a fitness regimen that entails exercise and cardiovascular conditioning, both of which will help you to burn calories, but having sex several times a week can make your calorie expenditure that much greater and better overall if you're somebody who wants to lose weight.

Aerobic Conditioning

Sex is definitely an aerobic exercise. Depending on how good you are at it, it can be high aerobic or even anaerobic, which can help boost your metabolism. This is good for the cardiovascular system and overall conditioning.

Body Fat Loss

Stress leads to the buildup of cortisol, which makes it very difficult for the body to burn fat efficiently. Cortisol is one of the main reasons why many people have difficulty ridding of fat. Stress relief is the surest way to reduce cortisol and prevent cortisol increases, and one of the surest ways to do this is to have good sex.

Feel Good Endorphins

Sex is known to boost brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters that make you feel good, particularly serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Since mental health is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle, this is another healthy benefit sex can have for you. Getting these chemicals going has numerous benefits for the brain and body.


Oxytocin is a well known hormone associated with sex that also leads to natural feelings of euphoria and happiness. It is most commonly triggered after orgasms and very associated with feelings of love and belonging. The more oxytocin you can experience, the better you will feel and more happy you will be.


Depending on what positions you enjoy, sex can also strengthen the muscles. Many positions require squatting or positioning the body like a push up. Some other positions require movements similar to dips and bicep curls. The abdominals are always working hard, as well as the hips so sex is a great way to strengthen the abs and help achieve a six pack.

Strength to Improve Sexual Wellness


Despite many common taboos still associated with sex today and the media's portrayal of sex exclusively as a sales tool, it is actually a key component of an overall healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy active sex life can work wonders for your fitness goals, levels of happiness, and daily life satisfaction.


Levels Of Sexuality

Human beings are complex creatures and how we express our sexuality illustrates this more than any of our behaviors. Researchers in human sexual behavior think they have it all figured out. However; there are aspects of sexuality that science hasn't quite caught up with yet. This article does not claim to be scientific. Science is but one explanation of phenomena. This article is based on talking and listening to people who were willing to be honest about their sexuality.

Express Spiritual Sex

Not surprisingly, the first level of sexuality is basic physical. The sensation that people refer to as "horny". When people are expressing their sexuality at this level, they are willing to have sex with just about anyone who will have them. They might consider appearance or weight as factors but not always. The urge to have sex is strong and pervasive and demands satisfaction.

Fortunately, not too many people operate strictly at this level. But the difference is subtle. Cultural and societal expectations start to play a part. People who really just want physical sex and nothing more, learn to pretend or act as if they are better than the other animals. People who are living their sex lives at this level are frequently seen at "pick up" bars, giving and receiving cheesy "pick-up" lines. If both people are functioning at this level, their typically isn't any harm done. Just two consenting adult animals having sex.

A level up from this is physical sex with emotional connection. Most of the people who were willing to talk, claim to live their sex lives at this level. They feel compassion, trust, passion, respect and other emotions that constitute love. Most of them reflect this even in their language; saying that they "make love" rather than "have sex". While making love, they feel the give and take of emotions with each other that they do not share with anyone else. Most of these people state that the physical pleasure is intensified when love is present. An interesting phenomena of non-partnered people at this level, is that they do not have sex. They choose to masturbate to satisfy their basic needs until such time as they are in a love relationship.

The next level of human sexuality tends to baffle sex scientists. This is an energy level of sex that exists between partners who cannot be together physically. For example, there are couples who cannot engage in sexual intercourse for medical reasons, yet they have mutually satisfying sex lives. They have an ability to express their sexuality even deeper than emotional. And when asked to explain, they just smile and say that they can't explain it. Another even more intriguing example, are couples who are in long distance relationships and maintain happy sex lives. They send each other loving sexual energy in a variety of ways: Skype, texts, chats, pictures and positive thoughts. Yes, positive thoughts! One man said he can feel when his partner is thinking about him...on the other side of the globe. As part of their high energy sexuality, they masturbate together on a regular basis. And when they are able to physically be together, the sex is like the best fireworks ever!

These levels are not set in stone. In fact, they are somewhat fluid. But if we are honest with ourselves, we will see patterns in our sex behavior emerging. There are also some people who simply are not interested in sex or don't even like it. While this can be baffling to those of us who do like it, this needs to be respected and accepted. If you keep an open mind and heart and are willing to explore deeper aspects of your sexuality than the purely physical, you will be delighted by an awesome sex life.

Emotional Sex On Your Partner


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nudity and Sex: Telling the Truth and Nothing But

Humans are sexual beings and it cannot be disputed that our sexuality plays a major role in our lives. Sexuality is an integral part of our personalities whether we are aware of it or not and the sex drive is one of the most powerful drives we have to deal with. Unlike lower animals, our desire for sexual activity is more complex than just an internal prime directive to reproduce and propagate the species. Rather, there are a variety of factors that cause people to want to have sex.

Human Sexuality

While no two people are exactly the same where it comes to what turns them on sexually, researchers say that sexual arousal begins for both men and women in the brain. That is the brain responds to a stimulus, either thoughts or visual images and the arousal cycle begins. Physical attraction, the desire to look and touch because what you see is pleasant or arousing on a biological level can trigger sexual desire.

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Why discuss human sexuality in an article about nudism? After all, don't we all know that nudity within the context of nudist culture in not sexual? Almost immediately after getting involved in the lifestyle, we are exposed to the near continuous drumbeat, 'nudity is not sexual' and we dutifully recite it like a mantra. It seems rather odd that after eighty some odd years since nudism took root in our culture, we have yet to convince society at large that nude is not lewd. I've lost count of the number of nudist sites I have visited where I've found the common obligatory blurb, "That nudity implies sexuality is the biggest misconception that naturists have to fight" or something quite similar. What is the matter with society? Why aren't people listening? Haven't we told them millions, perhaps billions of time that nudity is not sexual? Perhaps the reason the message has been so ineffective is because society simply doesn't believe us.

Joel Feinberg, the late political and social philosopher once wrote, "The unresolved conflict between instinctual desires and cultural taboos leaves many people in a state of unstable equilibrium and a readiness to be wholly fascinated, in an ambivalent sort of way, by any suggestion of sexuality in their perceptual fields. We are drawn ineluctably toward the sexual suggestiveness of the naked body, then ashamed of our own reaction." Since most can identify with Feinberg's observation, society just doesn't buy it when nudists say nudity isn't sexual, knowing from personal experience that 'Joe it just ain't so.' In addition those in the broader culture also know by experience that there are some very clear connections between nudity and sex. For one thing getting naked is the prelude to sex for most people and the exposure of genitals is by implication sexual because that is the context in which they are most often used. The more we repeat something that many outside our lifestyle regard as an outright lie, the less credibility we have as a subculture and the more suspicious society becomes as to why we are being deceptive.

When it comes to nudity and sex, I think many nudists have misunderstood the message and when they tell others that nudity is not sexual, believing they are espousing the party line, they are actually getting it wrong. A review of the websites of three respected nudist/naturist organizations didn't turn up a single blanket disavowal of any connect between nudity and sex.

"TNS adamantly rejects the use of the term "naturism" as a cover for sexual activity. Naturists do not deny the sexual nature of human beings, but they reject the all too prevalent view in our society that nudity and sex are synonymous, and that children should be "protected" from nudity regardless of context. To repeat: nude is not lewd."

The Naturist Society

"Do men get visibly excited? Not often. Nudist clubs are far less sexually charged than places where bikinis, thongs, or other provocative clothing, are worn. On the rare occasion where this occurs, simply don a towel, turn over, or take a quick dip in the pool.

American Association for Nude Recreation

"Isn't nudity sexual?

Most of the people who visit a naturist club/beach for the first time are surprised by the lack of sexuality. Some expect a sexually charged atmosphere, since in North America we see others nude in sexual situations such as love scenes in movies, in magazines and in videos.

However, the link between nudity and sexuality is arbitrary. In Victorian times, to see a woman's knees was very sexual because they were supposed to be hidden all the time. We expose some parts of our bodies which are as sexual as those which we hide. Our lips, for example, are probably as involved in sexuality as our genital areas. Yet people walk around exposing their lips without causing mass arousal.

You will probably find that suggestively clothed people are more arousing than completely nude people. It can be more sexual to wear a bathing suit which subtly hides and emphasizes certain parts of the body.

That nudity implies sexuality is the biggest misconception that naturists have to fight. As a result, you may find them to be over-sensitive to it. This is not to say that naturists are against sexuality. They just believe, like most of society, that there is an appropriate time and place for it. It also means that there is nothing wrong with finding a person attractive, whether he or she is nude or not.

Federation of Canadian Naturists

The Naturist Society speaks of context, the American Association for Nude Recreation admits that some men may become visibly excited in a social nudity setting by recommending steps men can take if it occurs and the Federation of Canadian Naturists offers the opinion that there is nothing wrong with finding a nude person attractive.

Nudists who categorically deny that there isn't anything sexual about nudity are being dishonest when trying to explain the lifestyle to someone and more importantly being dishonest with themselves. Of course many who do it have good intentions. What they are really trying to do is dispel the misconceptions that social nudity gatherings are sexually-charged atmospheres, that nudists engage in social nudity because they want to look at and lust for other naked people, or that nudist clubs and resorts are a cover for non-stop, hedonist orgies or swinger parties.

When explaining nudism, stick to the facts and don't use a blanket denial that there isn't any relationship between nudity and sex in nudist culture. That hurts nudist credibility and is really a disservice to the nudist community as a whole. Nine times out of 10 haters are not convincible anyway. In my experience people who believe all the negative things about nudists want to believe them and people with an open mind will believe the truth despite all the negative things that are said or written about nudism.

Nudity and Sex in Nude Beach

Nudists aren't asexual or immune from sometimes experiencing arousal when seeing another naked person they find attractive. To be fair, when that occurs they would just as likely find the person attractive even if they were clothed so nudity isn't usually the issue. The real truth isn't that nudists are never aroused by nudity but that nudists make a distinction between sexual nudity and non-sexual social nudity. It isn't about a biological drive that a person really has no control over but how a person chooses to behave in a particular context while nude which everyone does have the ability to control. It is really as simple as that.


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Young Women Often Ignore Heart Attack Symptoms

When the topic of heart attack arises, many envision a middle aged, or older man, clutching his chest. However, each year, more than 15,000 women under the age of 55 die of heart disease in the United States, making it the leading cause of death for women in this age group. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of premature death (death before age 75) in women in the county. Furthermore, among younger women, those that suffer a heart attack are nearly twice as likely as men to die. A new study published on February 24 in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes may help explain the reason for these sad statistics.

Young Woman Heart Attack Symptoms

The study authors note that prompt recognition of acute myocardial infarction (MI; heart attack) symptoms and timely treatment significantly increase the likelihood of a good outcome. They explain that relatively little is known about the initial symptoms and treatment of women 55 years of age or younger. Symptom recognition and prompt, appropriate therapy would reduce the risk of treatment delays and improve acute care for these women.

The study group comprised 30 women ranging in age from 30 t0 55 years who were hospitalized for an acute MI. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews of these women to assess their early symptoms and their decision-making process to seek medical treatment. Five themes described their experiences: (1) prodromal (early) symptoms varied significantly in both nature and duration; (2) the women inaccurately assessed personal risk of heart disease and commonly attributed their symptoms to noncardiac (not heart-related) causes; (3) competing and conflicting priorities influenced their decisions regarding seeking acute care; (4) the healthcare system was not consistently responsive to them, resulting in delays in workup and diagnosis; and (5) the women did not routinely access primary care, including preventive care for heart disease.

The authors concluded that the women in the study did not accurately assess their cardiovascular risk, reported poor preventive health behaviors, and delayed seeking care for symptoms. This suggested that differences in both prevention and acute care may be contributing to young women’s elevated acute MI mortality, compared to men. They noted that identifying factors that promote better cardiovascular knowledge, improved preventive healthcare, and prompt care-seeking behaviors are important factors for decreasing mortality among these women.

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, approximately 35% of all heart attacks in women go unnoticed or unreported, partly because women’s symptoms are sometimes different from men’s. Many women experience nausea as their primary symptom, along with chest discomfort. Women should also be alert to heartburn that doesn’t go away with antacids or other prescribed medicine.

Signs of a heart attack in women include:

Ø  Discomfort in the chest that usually lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back; it may feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
Ø  Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Shortness of breath.
Ø  Unusual fatigue, weakness, and/or lightheadedness. Nausea/vomiting, cold sweats, and/or dizziness.

If you experience the above symptoms:

Ø  Minutes matter! Call 9-1-1 for help within five minutes if you think you may be having a heart attack.
Ø  Do not drive yourself or anyone else with symptoms to the hospital, unless you have absolutely no other option.
Ø  While you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, chew a regular (325 milligram) aspirin, lie down, and breathe slowly, all of which may help limit the damage to your heart.

Chest Pain on Left Side;Causes,Diagnosis, and Symptoms

Low Sex Drive In Women May Be A Heart Problem

According to a new study, women with low—or no—sex drive may have a heart problem, not on an emotional basis, rather a medical basis. The study showed that low heart rate variability, the variation in the time that lapses between one heartbeat and the next, was an indicator of low sex drive. The results might offer a way for doctors to determine which women will benefit from libido-increasing drugs. The findings were published online in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback by researchers at the Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin; and The Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.

Your Partner About Having a Low Libido

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The authors note that heart rate variability is a valuable non-invasive test to assess autonomic nervous system activity. The autonomic nervous system influences the function of internal organs. It is a control system that acts mainly at an unconscious level and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. The authors explain that several studies have found an association between low resting heart rate variability and mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, and alcohol dependence; thus, indicating these disorders may be related to an imbalance in autonomic activity.

The researchers examined the feasibility of using heart rate variability as an index of women’s self-reported sexual arousal function. Sexual arousal function, overall sexual function, and resting heart rate variability were examined in 72 women, aged 18–39.They measured the women’s heartbeats while they watched film about a neutral subject. The women then answered the 19-question Female Sexual Function Index, which involves topics such as arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and sexual pain.

The investigators found that women with below average heart rate variability were significantly more likely to report sexual arousal dysfunction and overall sexual dysfunction than both women with average heart rate variability and women with above average heart rate variability.

The investigators concluded that low heart rate variability may be a risk factor for female sexual arousal dysfunction and overall sexual dysfunction. They noted that measuring heart rate variability might be a useful marker of treatment-related improvements in sexual arousal function, and it may be used as an index of sexual arousal function in clinical trials of medications developed to treat female sexual arousal disorders, such as the recently FDA approved flibanserin, which has been termed “Women’s Viagra”.

Low Sex Drive In Women

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Most Heart Failure Patients Not Referred For Cardiac Rehab

Despite strong evidence that such exercise programs improve quality of life and reduce the likelihood of future hospitalizations, a new UCLA-led study has found that only 1 in 10 heart failure patients is referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program after being hospitalized, The study was published online on August 17 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and will appear in the August 25 print edition.

Man on Treadmill with Health Care Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training

For the study, the researchers reviewed data from a national database of more than 100,000 individuals with heart failure who were discharged from hospitals between 2005 and 2014 and were eligible for cardiac rehabilitation programs. “Although we expected some under-referral to cardiac rehabilitation in the heart failure population, the results of this study are startling,” explained senior author Gregg Fonarow, MD, the Eliot Corday Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine and Science at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He added, “Given the individual and the public health benefits of such programs and the escalating healthcare expenditures related to heart failure hospitalizations, our findings point to the need for better strategies to increase physicians’ and patients’ awareness about the importance of cardiac rehabilitation.” Center.

Each year, 870,000 Americans are newly diagnosed with heart failure, a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in the body; overall, congestive heart failure affects an estimated 6 million individuals and accounts for more than 1 million hospitalizations annually and more than $30 billion in direct costs.

With the heart not able to pump effectively, heart failure can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath due to the accumulation of fluid and congestion in the lungs. A number of studies have reported that patients who undergo a dedicated 36-week cardiac rehabilitation program focused on aerobic exercise training are more capable of controlling symptoms related to shortness of breath and are better able to perform daily activities such as walking to the grocery store and climbing stairs.

After a notable 2007 study (Heart Failure and A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training, or HF–ACTION) found that individuals who underwent exercise training following hospitalization for heart failure had an improved ability to perform normal daily living tasks, were less likely to be re-hospitalized and had a lower mortality rate, the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association issued guidelines recommending cardiac rehabilitation for medically stable heart failure patients. In 2013, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved cardiac rehabilitation for eligible patients with heart failure; thus, making it available to a broader group of Medicare patients. The new UCLA study is the first since those guidelines were issued to evaluate how often physicians refer their patients to such programs upon discharge from the hospital, and the first to examine factors associated with the referrals.

The investigators reviewed data on 105,619 hospitalized heart failure patients from the national Get With The Guidelines–Heart Failure registry, which is a component of an American Heart Association program. They discovered that during the study period, only 10.4% of eligible patients were referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program when they were discharged from the hospital. The referral rates did increase during the study period; however, they remained low. The researchers found that patients referred for cardiac rehabilitation tended to be younger than those who were not, and men were referred more often than women. Patients who received referrals were also more likely to receive guideline-recommended heart failure medications when they were discharged.

“Physicians who are more likely to incorporate state-of-the-art therapies in the management of heart failure patients appear also to be more likely to refer their patients to cardiac rehabilitation programs,” noted Dr. Fonarow. He added, “This suggests that raising awareness about the benefits of these programs may be an effective strategy for increasing referrals.” The authors noted that, of equal importance, are efforts to increase insurance coverage and reduce copayments for such programs, as well as expanding the responsibilities of home health nurses, physical therapists, and other healthcare providers to widen the scope of home- and community-based cardiac rehabilitation.

Cardiac Rehab for Healthy Heart


Sex In The Hallway Causes Russian Woman’s Head To Get Stuck In The Railing

Yes, that title is correct; a Russian woman has recently gotten her head stuck in the railing of the stairwell of her apartment building while having sex with her boyfriend according to ProNews48.

Boyfriend Kidnapped Woman and Forced into Sex Work

A 46-year-old from Lipetsk, Russia decided to move the sexual activities with her boyfriend from inside of her apartment to the hallway beyond her door. Completely naked, the pair engaged in sexual intercourse and somewhere mid-act, the unnamed woman’s head got caught in the railing.

Instead of staying to help his “girlfriend”, the boyfriend managed to get dressed and flee, leaving the butt-naked Russian woman on her knees, head stuck in the public foyer. Or maybe not on her knees, but you get the picture.

Sometime later that evening, a neighbor entered the hallway to find the woman naked and rail-ridden. She called the police who were able to cut the bars and free the nude woman’s head. Fortunately the Russian woman was not seriously injured, but undoubtedly has some other wounds to tend to.

Sex in a public hallway can now be crossed off the woman’s bucket list. Maybe next time she should try “Love in an Elevator".

Girl in Hotel Room in Sexy Underwear


Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Dry Spell In The Sex Department

Learn the top reasons and how to eliminate them all with a few easy methods

His fault, her fault the reasons just may surprise you after all. Experts in the field estimate there are 40 million Americans in what they refer to as a “sexless marriage” , it can also occur committed relationships too.

Sexual Issue; Dry Spell Is effects in Sex Life

Having a regular sex life is good for the health. It helps to satisfy all kinds of needs and brings two people closer together.

Ok, so there is now this dry spell hitting and you have no clue why? There can be many reasons including weight gain and those annoying premenopause symptoms. So here are the top reasons developed by experts in their field for this dry run.

Your bedroom is looking like the office

Bringing work to bed or even our PDA is a fast turn off on either part. The bedroom is for sleep and sex, so leave the office at the office. It is pretty hard for anyone to get romantic when the other partner is busy with today's news or checking their text messages. Leave all the gadgets, magazines, newspapers and channel flipping out of the bedroom. You could be surprised at the results.

Medications can hinder the sex drive

For example birth control pills, the wonder of science for women not to get pregnant however, they can steal your sex drive. Oral contraceptives contain estrogen, which in turn increases the production of binding globulin (SHBG) a protein sex hormone. SHBG can trap testosterone and affect your sex drive.

Blood pressure, anxiety, acid reflex and antidepressant medications can also affect your sex drive.
Talk to your practitioner about the side effects associated to sex drive with medications. For birth control you may want to try a method that does not consist of hormones like condoms.

You're waking hours are just simply out of control

Working, cooking, car pools, and still running like mad at the night time hours. Those daily stresses can set off a domino effect of hormone changes.

Let's face it who wants to schedule at time to have sex with our partner. Talk about boring, dull and routine.

Shift your gears. Set a time limit to all of life's craziness. Unwind from it with a bath consisting of aromatherapy oil such as lavender which is very relaxing.

Body Shape

Women who are overweight or noticed their shape has changed from pregnancy or laws of nature just d do not see themselves as sexy.

Ask your partner if you likes your shape. Face it men give compliments especially when it comes to how we look. Those compliments really do make us feel good to hear them.

Losing weight simply makes a woman feel like she is sexy. Even just a few pounds has worked. Exercises such as cardio and aerobics are great shape shifters.

That premenopause cycle

Just before we get hit with menopause are hormones begin to shift, estrogen becomes decreased which brings up physiological changes which makes sex as appealing as doing ten loads of laundry on the hottest day of the year. Vaginal dryness issues occur producing pain during sex which ends up to no sex.

Talk to your practitioner about HRT (hormone replacement therapy) along with other natural alternatives that can help.

It's the man's fault

Here we thought men just would do it anyplace, anytime. Sometimes their motor stops. Feeling and emotions could be a big part of it. Take time to talk to one another. Without that standard accusation of are you cheating or who is he/she. It could be many simple factors like finances and being the man he wishes to solve it solely on his own.


We are on a two sided coin here. When us women feel down in the dumps we just prefer to be left alone. Antidepressants may help but can kill the sex drive. If you notice that when you started taking the medication your sex drive went down hill, talk to your practitioner for another medication or alternative therapies that may help.

Men to do suffer depression. The same reasons basically apply. Talk to your health practitioner before matters become worse.

Oh, that little blue pill

It may get him up and ready to go but can emotionally disconnect him. Talk to your partner and practitioner for other options which are available.

Too much time with Pedro?

Some women use vibrators which is perfectly acceptable but when you tend to favor vibrating Pedro over real live Juan problems ensue. Believe it or not some women get addicted to it. If you feel like you get more satisfaction from vibrating Juan than Pedro, maybe it is time you talked to Pedro and try something new and exciting that you both are comfortable with, this can range from massage lotions, to chocolate syrup to a new position.

Your just dam tired

Fatigue and aches and pains in the body from conditions such as fibromyalgia, anemia, diabetes and even rheumatoid arthritis just leaves no room for feeling sexually aroused.

Lose Interest in Sex

Talk to your practitioner. Some alternative therapies for pain with associated conditions like fibromyalgia have been demonstrated to help such as chiropractic and acupuncture. You may wish to give it a try.


How Your Lifestyle Can Affect Your Sex Life?

your physical and mental health, but they don't have to rule your life. Changing your lifestyle is the key to improving all health issues, this is particularly important to male sexual health.

All addictions can negatively impact the sex life off men. Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, recreational drug use and taking prescription medications hinder male sexual functionality. Highly addictive lifestyle choices are made more complicated, if the individual does not exercise or eat right. It is important to examine how your lifestyle can affect your sex life and make changes where possible.

Sex Life Is Off In Men

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If an individual is able to change their personal lifestyle choices, most research shows that their sexual health will improve quickly. This means your sexual performance and enjoyment will increase. In order to change your personal lifestyle successfully, the following are good guidelines.

Just Say No

Drugs are a problem worldwide.

Both legal and illegal drugs have side effects, both also create a psychological need to continue using on a daily basis. These factors make drugs bad for proper physical and mental health. Since most drugs alter the nervous system, their impact all systems of the body. All drugs hinder the ability to perform sexually in many males. This is because most drugs have a dramatic effect on blood flow, which is directly related to erectile dysfunction and male sexual health. So just say no to drugs, but yes to a better sex life.

Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is very bad for anyone.

Smoking causes many diseases, breaks down your immune system and slows the circulation of blood flow. Once again, blood flow is necessary for men to get a hard erection. Smoking is like drugs, it is a conscious lifestyle choice and one that users make many times in a day. Stopping smoking will improve your sex life, plus doing so will let you live longer and have sex many more times. Do the math and don't lite up.

Quit Drinking Alcohol

If your lifestyle choices include alcohol consumption, then your sex life is already having issues.
Alcohol kills brain cells and causes behavioral changes in the personality. It is worthwhile for anyone a chronic alcoholic to stop drinking. Most alcoholics have sexual dysfunctions, even if they don't realize it. If you quit drinking alcohol, you will probably find that your entire life improves. Believe it or not, there aren't any answers at the bottom of that bottle, only more problems.

Breaking Habits and Losing Weight

Once a person decides to seriously change their personal lifestyle, why not take it to the next level?
Most people that are breaking addictions or personal habits, will need to have something take of it in their life. For many, the replacement becomes eating and leads to gaining weight. If the same person was overweight already, this can lead to serious weight gain.

The point being, why not tackle losing some weight, while still breaking the old habits.

Anyone can do this without pain, simply change to a healthier diet, get exercise and consider taking natural supplements. Losing weight is good for personal body image, so that your self esteem improves. Feeling good about your body, makes you feel sexier, but also more attractive sexually. All these reasons, make breaking habits and losing weight a perfect combination for the changing your personal lifestyle.

Being Happy and Feeling Loved Again

Believe it or not, being happy is a great motivation for changing your personal lifestyle.

Being happy is the reason why we do many things in life, but often we forget to seek our personal happiness. Finding love is a part of being truly happy. So these are both worthwhile pursuits in the changed lifestyle. Learning to be a happier person begins with accepting daily life, this is a key to dealing with stress. When we learn to love ourselves, others will begin to see us in a more positive way. These concepts maybe abstract, but they are also important to making permanent lifestyle changes.

Like a secret formula, being happy and feeling love are the signs of any successful lifestyle changes.

Being Happy and Feeling Loved Again

The changed life must be grounded in seeking our personal fulfillment. The changed life needs to interact with the world, but choosing things that help us find happiness. The changed life also needs to feel loved, so that it will be able to successfully continue with all the new and positive lifestyle changes. Being happy and feeling loved are what good sex should feel like.
