Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lose Weight And Reduce Hot Flashes

A new study has found that overweight postmenopausal women who lose weight can reduce hot flashes. Thus, reduction of troublesome hot flashes could serve as a motivation to enter into a weight loss program. The findings were published online on June 23 in the journal Menopause.

How to Lose Weight After Menopause

According to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), the most common symptom of the menopause is hot flashes. Approximately 75% of menopausal women in the United States experience them. Most women who have them are well aware of the symptoms: a sudden sensation of heat that rushes into the upper body and face. The skin may redden like a blush and a woman may break out in a sweat. A hot flash may last from a few seconds to several minutes or longer. Hot flashes can cause lack of sleep by frequently waking a woman from a deep sleep. Lack of sleep may be noted by a woman as the most troublesome of the menopause.

The study authors note that being overweight has been considered to be protective against hot flashes, newer data suggest a positive relationships between hot flashes and overweight. They explain that, to date, no studies have been specifically designed to evaluate whether weight loss reduces hot flashes. Therefore, they conducted a study with the foal of evaluating the feasibility, acceptability, and initial effectiveness of weight loss for reducing hot flashes.

The study group comprised 40 overweight or obese women who suffered from hot flashes (four or more hot flashes per day). The women were randomized to either a behavioral weight loss intervention group or wait-list control group. Hot flashes were evaluated before and after intervention with physiologic monitoring, diary, and questionnaire. Changes in hot flowers were evaluated via statistical analysis.
The investigators found that 83% of the women completed the study and 94% reported a high degree of satisfaction with the intervention. The majority of the women (74%) reported that hot flash reduction was a major motivator for losing weight. Women randomized to the weight loss intervention group lost more weight (8.86 kilograms or 19.4 pounds weight loss) than did women in the control group (0.23 kilogram or 0.5 pound weight increase). Women in the weight loss intervention group also reported greater decreases in questionnaire-reported hot flashes (two week hot flashes were –63.0), compared to women in the control group (two week hot flashes were -28.0; P = 0.03) Reductions in weight and hot flashes significantly correlated.

Weight Loss Helps to Reduce Hot Flashes

The authors concluded that a behavioral weight loss program is practicable, acceptable, and effective in producing weight loss among overweight or obese women with hot flashes. They recommend that a larger study should be conducted to further confirm their findings. They noted that hot flash management could motivate women to engage in this health-promoting behavior.


Do Women Without Hot Flashes Benefit From Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The most common symptom of the menopause is hot flashes; however, not all women entering the menopause experience them. According to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), approximately 75% of menopausal women in the United States experience them. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can relieve hot flashes as well as other menopausal symptoms. A new study evaluated the benefits from HRT on quality of life among women who do not suffer from hot flashes. The findings were published on July 1 in the journal Menopause.

Symptom of the Hotflash and Menopause

The researchers conducted a study that evaluated the impact of hot flashes and various forms of hormone therapy on health-related quality of life as well as sexual well-being in women who had recently become menopausal. The study group comprised 150 healthy women who were interviewed regarding hot flashes and health-related quality of life with the Women’s Health Questionnaire and the McCoy Female Sexuality Questionnaire). They were also asked about menopause-related symptoms, and general health. The women were divided into two groups: those with (72 women) and those without (78 women) hot flashes. All women were prescribed with a six month regime with transdermal estradiol (skin patch; 1 mg/day), oral estradiol (2 mg/day) with or without medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 mg/day), or a placebo.

The investigators found that at the beginning of the study, hot flashes most strongly affected sleep quality, bodily symptoms such as muscle pains, menstrual cycle–resembling complaints, anxiety and fears, decreased memory and concentration, and sexual behavior The different hormone therapy regimens all relieved hot flashes with equal effectiveness; therefore, the different regimens were combined into a single group for further investigation. Among the women with baseline hot flashes, six months of HRT significantly improved the scores for sleep, memory and concentration capacity, as well as anxiety and fears. HRT use was found to have no significant impact on these factors in women without baseline hot flashes.

The researchers concluded that hot flashes contribute differently to various factors that affect health-related quality of life shortly after menopause. Estradiol or an estradiol–medroxyprogesterone acetate combination were equally effective for alleviating hot flashes and improvement in health-related quality of life factors that were related to the elimination of hot flashes. The noted that HRT use does not offer any detectable quality-of-life benefit over placebo in women without disturbing baseline flashes.

Most women who suffer from hot flashes are well aware of the symptoms: a sudden sensation of heat that rushes into the upper body and face. The skin may redden like a blush and a woman may break out in a sweat. A hot flash may last from a few seconds to several minutes or longer. As noted by the study authors, hot flashes can cause lack of sleep by frequently waking a woman from a deep sleep. Lack of sleep may be noted by a woman as the most troublesome of the menopause.

After Hormone Replacement Therapy is Better Health for Woman

Take home message:

The lack of quality of life benefits from HRT among women without hot flashes is an interesting finding. Further evaluation of this group of women should be done to determine whether they are equally susceptible to other postmenopausal conditions such as osteoporosis or vaginal dryness. Six months of HRT for a woman just entering the menopause is inadequate to determine bone loss.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Bad Sitting Posture at Work Leads to Chronic Back Pain?

It's the end of another long day at work. You drag yourself to the car and fight your way through traffic to your house. Once you get inside, you wonder how you can have such a massive back ache - after all, you've been sitting at a desk all day, not lifting heavy boxes. Did it ever occur to you your chair may be the problem?

Better Sitting Posture Better Back

Posture and Your Back

When you were growing up, you learned to turn a deaf ear to your mother and her harping on your posture. If you had a nickel for every time she told you to sit up straight and not slump, you'd be sitting pretty right now. Now that you're grown, you've learned being young equates to being stupid, and you're forced to admit your mother was right more often than she was wrong. News flash: she was right about your posture, too. Improper sitting posture is a prime gateway to chronic back pain. In our technology-driven society, every white collar worker has a computer on their desk. Most office desks were not designed for proper computer posture; the average office worker sits at a forty-five degree angle while working at the computer. If not forty-five degrees, at least fifteen to twenty degrees. Computer work leads to head-forward posture and slumped, forward-posturing shoulders. Poor posture leads to muscles spasms, trigger points, muscle tension migraines, and chronic back pain.


Office furniture is supposedly designed for optimum efficiency during an eight-hour workday. When most office furniture designs were made, computers weren't even a science-fiction idea yet; desks and chairs were designed for paper work, and had extensions for typewriters. The extensions were the proper height for a worker to turn from their desk to the typewriter without having to adjust the chair height, and the keyboard was at the proper level to reduce shoulder strain. Secretarial desks are still designed this way; the typewriter has been replaced by the computer, but the ergonomics still work. Where they don't work is the white collar worker's desk. These desks and chairs are designed for paper work and nothing else. The advent of technology has ushered in the era of a computer on every desk; the result is less area for paper work, causing posture problems as the worker hunches over the paper and works around the keyboard. The height of the desk is not the proper height for someone to work at a keyboard and maintain proper posture; this leads to slumped shoulders, forward head posture, forward-leaning sitting posture and all the attendant problems they bring. The only office chair designed for computer work is the Balans chair - the kneeling chair. A Balans chair tilts the torso slightly forward and puts the weight on the knees. This ensures the spine is kept in its normal S-shaped posture, and eliminates the leaning-forward posture common to regular office chairs.

Posture and Chronic Back Pain

Years of poor posture lead to chronic back pain; as you lean forward to work at your computer on a desk never designed for it, you stress your muscles, especially around your head, neck, and shoulders. You also place stress on your lower lumbar muscles; basically you call on your lower back to support the entire weight of your head, neck and shoulders, instead of your whole back carrying the load. These stressed muscles become inflamed; tissue becomes irritated, and the stress placed on your spinal column will eventually lead to the development of osteoarthritis. This is a heavy price to pay for something relatively inexpensive to correct.

What Do You Do?

Use of a properly designed desk and chair will eliminate the vast majority of poor posture incidences in the American work force. If your employer is not willing to pay for secretarial desks and Balans chairs for his entire office staff, you need to correct the effects of your ergonomics. Get up and walk around at least once an hour. Do stretching exercises regularly, even at your desk. There are Yoga exercises for the head, neck, and shoulder that are easy to do while sitting, and they can reduce the strain on the affected muscles. Pay for a Balans chair yourself - it's between $100.00 and $500.00, well worth the money. When you leave work, do exercises when you get home, to strengthen your lower back muscles, and relieve the strain on the muscles of your head, neck, and shoulders. Take responsibility for your back, and counteract the effects of your poor sitting posture as best you can.

Chronic Back Pain

Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles With These Exercises

The Pelvic floor muscles are like a hammock that runs under the pelvis and supports the organs of the lower abdomen - the bladder, uterus, and rectum. Strong pelvic floor muscles are important to stabilize the pelvis and provide core strength for both men and women.

Core Exercises for Strengthening

Incontinence and lower back pain can often be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles. This is especially prevalent as people age and muscles naturally weaken. To keep the pelvic floor strong try these simple at home exercises:

Ø  Low bridge - Lie on the floor on your back, bend the knees so the feet are flat about hip distance apart, place the hands by the hips palms down, and press through heels to lift the hips off of the floor (lift no higher than shoulder blades). As you are lifting squeeze the pelvic muscles in and up (like you are stopping the flow of urine) and lower back down slowly. Repeat for fifteen repetitions.

Ø  Butterfly crunches - Sit on the floor with the legs in bound angle pose or butterfly. (Knees bent, legs open, and the soles of the feet together.) Lie all the way back keeping the feet together. Place the hands behind the head and relax the head back into the hands. Tip the pelvis to lift the legs off the floor while still in butterfly position. Begin to crunch in a slow controlled motion. Repeat for fifteen repetitions before lowering the legs.

Ø  Hip opener - Lie on the floor on your back and bend the knees so the feet are flat. Bring the feet all the way together and place the hands by the hips palms down. Inhale and open the knees as wide as is comfortable. Exhale and bring knees back together while squeezing the pelvic muscles in and up. Repeat for fifteen repetitions.

Lower Back Exercises for Pelvic Floor

erform these exercises two to three times per week. Notice any improvement in bladder control or pain levels. Add more repetitions as the muscles get stronger and the exercises become easier.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Basics of Diabetes: Risk Factors

Risk factors for diabetes vary, depending on the type of diabetes.Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. It was previously known as juvenile diabetes. With type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Approximately 5 percent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. With proper insulin therapy, type 1 diabetics can live long, healthy lives.

Risk Factors of Diabetes

The exact cause for type 1 diabetes is unknown. It is often considered to be an autoimmune disorder. An infection or some other unknown trigger causes the body to attack itself, and destroy the cells of the pancreas. Lifetime insulin therapy is necessary. There is no way to prevent type 1 diabetes. Early intervention, and lifelong healthy habits, will reduce the risk of diabetic related complications.

Unlike type 1 diabetes, the symptoms for type 2 diabetes can be more subtle, occurring slowly over a long period of time. A low activity level, a poor diet, and excessive body weight are all risk factors. Many people with type 2 diabetes have these known risk factors and high blood sugars, and are not aware that they have diabetes.

Symptoms for type 2 diabetes can actually include no known symptoms for years. Lack of routine medical care can contribute to people not knowing they are diabetic, all the while suffering the adverse effects of chronically elevated blood glucose levels. Others have symptoms that appear to have no direct link to elevated blood glucose levels, such as frequent infections, poorly healing wounds, and blurred vision and erectile dysfunction. More common symptoms would include the excessive hunger and thirst, fatigue and frequent urination. Blood work is necessary to confirm diabetes; it cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone.

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that starts or is first diagnosed during a pregnancy. Glucose levels may rise in a pregnant woman due to the changes in hormone levels associated with a pregnancy. Fortunately, the blood glucose levels usually return to normal after the baby is delivered.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes include the following:

Ø  History of hypertension ( high blood pressure)
Ø  History of unexplained stillbirth or miscarriage
Ø  Pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity
Ø  Family history of diabetes
Ø  Previous baby weighing greater than 9 pounds at birth

Risk of Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

Early diagnosis and treatment are highly recommended for the health and safety of all individuals diagnosed with diabetes.

Diabetes: A Global Epidemic That We CAN Fix

According to the Centers for Disease Control , a recently released report on Diabetes, states there are at least 29 million people living in the U.S. with diabetes; 28% of these patients are undiagnosed. In a study done from 2009 to 2012, 37% of adults in the U.S. were considered pre-diabetic based on fasting glucose and A1C levels. This equates to 86 million Americans who will become diabetic if something doesn't change.

Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes

These estimates, according to Dr. Ann Albright, director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation, were further elaborated on in a statement, "Diabetes is costly in both human and economic terms. If we do nothing, and the numbers continue to rise, 1 in 5 people will have diabetes by the year 2025, and possibly 1 in 3 by 2050, if we elect to do nothing to stop the progression of this disease.”

Diabetes, both uncontrolled and/or undiagnosed, can lead to a complex set of diseases. Often, these diseases come with life threatening complications. Cardiovascular disease ( heart disease, and stroke) as well as kidney damage, blindness and nerve damage can be attributed to improperly cared for diabetes.

Despite these grim statistics, there is much a person can do to reduce their risk of prediabetes/diabetes. Proper nutrition, weight loss, increased activity, stress reduction, and smoking cessation are all simple ways to reduce personal risk. Medication compliance and proper monitoring of diabetes can also reduce the risk of complications. Diabetes is a chronic disease, yet controllable situation.

Strategy Needed to Diabetes Epidemic


Monday, November 18, 2019

The Health Benefits Of Pigmentation

Many of us know that having some color in your skin makes you look more attractive for which reason many risk their very lives in tanning salons in a bid to look dark and attractive.
Pigmentation is however more than something to make us attractive. It has an effect on every area of our lives.

Pigmentation Treatment

Why is that so? Because pigmentation is the natural cover and clothing we wear. In fact everything in nature is pigmented. The very dust from which man is made is pigmented.

Consequently, like everything else in nature, we humans are naturally designed to be pigmented. It protects us from the elements.

Therefore, we age less quickly the more pigmented we are. We also retain more moisture in our skin and it is more lubricated and shines naturally the more pigmented we are.

This means the more pigmented we are the more sunlight we can safely absorb which is very important. It is from the sunlight we get the biochemical light fields that keep us alive and operate our body systems. The more we are able to absorb and retain, the more resources we have to meet all of life’s activities and demands and stresses and the less stressed we are,

Hence pigmentation affects our coping abilities. This has implications for mental health and issues like depression and other behavioral issues as well as our sense of well being and so on.

Pigmentation protects our blood vessels and consequently our blood and life source from being exposed to harmful things in nature.

Sunlight is vital to our well being and the sunlight is coded to be absorbed by our bodies through the protection of the pigmentation in the skin and the eyes.

Consequently less pigmentation is hazardous. This is a good reason to get a good tan in the summer and go for that South American vacation in the winter. However if you are not naturally dark, you do not have the various built in protection against UV light rays and you need to remember to rub on some UV protection lotion before going out.

You may also want to think twice before damaging your pigmentation with skin lightners if you are well pigmented, as this will open you to the risk of cancers you are naturally not at risk for.
Pigmentation allows us to absorb sunlight in a form that helps us to easily utilize it in absorbing the nutrients in truly natural foods (unfortunately we are no longer eating natural foods as most foods have been adulterated by humans. Even the organic ones have had their seeds tampered with in the past and most of our soil at least here in the United States are already damaged).

Consequently pigmentation has an effect on physical strength which we build from the food nutrients and the ability to withstand several types of sickness and diseases.

These are a few of the myriads of known and unknown health benefits of pigmentation not only to humans but to everything in nature.

Where did I all these insights from? When I was very ill and dying from the health effects of computer use induced health condition and needed divine help to survive, I prayed for insight into the workings of the human body so I would have a level of understanding that would help me take the right decisions concerning my health.

Skin Diseases on Face

Consequently as I studied the user manual for nature given to us by our maker called the Bible or Scripture, these are some of the facts that became known to me. That is how I started healing.

Strength Training During Pregnancy

An effective strength training program can provide a multitude of benefits for a woman during her pregnancy. However, an expecting mother undergoes substantial physiological changes throughout the terms, and these changes should be taken into account to ensure the utmost safety conditions. The following sections will detail the benefits of strength training during pregnancy, safety measures, and guide you specific resistance training protocol based on the current research to ensure a safe, effective pregnant workout experience.

Stretching Exercises May Help Fight Pre-eclampsia During Pregnancy

7 Benefits of Prenatal Exercise

Improved Weight Management It is estimated that 60% of expecting mothers remain sedentary throughout their pregnancy. Numerous research results have shown that following a regular program of prenatal exercise can significantly decrease excess weight gain. One study showed that pregnant women who maintained physical activity levels gained 20% less weight while pregnant than those who remained inactive. Other studies have shown that women who gained more than the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy were significantly heavier at long-term follow-up than women who gained the recommended amount or less.

Reduction in Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is the most common medical complication associated with childbirth, affecting up to 10% of all pregnancies. Women with GDM are prone to developing diabetes postpartum. Physically active women who exercise throughout pregnancy reduced their odd of acquiring GDM by 59% compared to those women who are not active.

Lower Rates of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related disorder that encompasses maternal hypertension, proteinuria, and edema. It can bring about seizure and/or cerebral hemorrhage and is the second leading cause of maternal death in the United States. Although data on the subject are somewhat limited, research suggests that regimented prenatal exercise may reduce the incidence of preeclampsia by 24% and also oppose the progression of the disease.

Better Psychological Health

Hormonal shifts, body changes, and impaired physical function play a role in reducing a woman’s feelings of psychological health. As a result, pregnant women tend to have alterations in mood, often leading to depressive episodes as much as11.7% before pregnancy to 25.2% during the third trimester. Studies have found that women who performed a moderate amount of exercise had lower scores on a test measuring depressive symptoms during pregnancy and into the postpartum period compared with those who were not active.

Less Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the most common pregnancy-related disorders, with 76% of women reporting Lumbosacral pain at some point during the term. Studies have shown that pregnant women who participated in an exercise program specifically designed to strengthen the core reported a significant reduction in the intensity of LBP and related discomfort throughout the term.

Enhanced Fetal Development

Recent studies haves shown not only is exercising during pregnancy safe it can actually have a positive impact on the fetus. Positive effects of exercise on the fetus appear to extend into the postnatal period. Children of the women who perform vigorous exercise throughout the term have been found to exhibit signs of heightened attentiveness and discipline, and by the age of 5, these children are neurologically developed more those compared with the control subjects.

Easier Labor

Women who are physically active during pregnancy have been shown to have a decreased risk of premature labor, a reduced incidence of cesarean delivery and shorter hospitalization. In addition, there was a reduced incidence of acute fetal stress in the exercise group as compared with controls. Overall, research has found that adoption of a regimented program of maternal exercise has no negative effects on delivery and generally results in an easier pregnancy with fewer complications.

Strength Training Guidelines :

Before engaging in a resistance training program, pregnant women should always get medical clearance from their physician. Although no definitive research has been performed to assess optimal maternal training frequency, it’s recommended that 3 days a week strength training routine can be applied without concern. Beginners should perform 1 set per exercise, whereas intermediate and advanced trainees can realize further benefits from 2 to 3 sets. Rest between sets should last approximately 2 minutes, allowing enough time for recovery of maternal heart rate. Additionally, make sure to avoid holding one’s breath during exercise. It increases both heart rate and blood pressure which can decrease splanchnic blood flow and uterine perfusion which is potentially dangerous to the child. Additionally, it is essential to keep well hydrated throughout exercise to increase heat dissipation. Consuming 8oz of water before training and then an additional 8oz for every 15 minutes of exercise is a good rule of thumb to maintain fluid balance. It is also important to note that the secretion of relaxin increases significantly during the first trimester, causing joints to become less stable. Therefore it is particularly important for the pregnant woman to use proper form during exercise. Ballistic movements, Olympic movement and plyometrics should be avoided as they can heighten the possibility of strains and tears of muscles.

Weightlifting Pregnant Mom Workout

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle can Control or Reverse Heart Disease

The benefits of healthy habits are well established. These benefits include boosting mood, weight control and combating diseases. However, it is uncertain whether making health behavior changes as an adult can still alter coronary artery disease risk.

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

To fin d out if making health behavior changes will change the risk of coronary artery disease, Dr. Bonnie Spring, PhD, professor in preventive medicine, Director, Center for Behavior and Health - Institute for Public Health and Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and lead investigator of this study along with colleges examined healthy lifestyle behaviors and coronary artery calcification and thickening among 3,538 young adults, aged 18 to 30 years and who had participated in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.

Researchers evaluated five healthy lifestyle factors (not overweight/obese, low alcohol intake, healthy diet, physically active, nonsmoker) at baseline and 20 years later. The team tested whether change from year 0 to 20 in a continuous composite healthy lifestyle factors score is associated with atherosclerosis at 20 years.

After adjusting for demographics, medications, and baseline healthy lifestyle factors the results showed by 20 years 25.3% of the study participants had added at least one healthy lifestyle behavior.
Each increase in healthy lifestyle factors was associated with reduced odds of detectable coronary artery calcification and lower intima-media thickness – two major markers of cardiovascular disease that can predict future cardiovascular events.

Among participants 34.4% stayed the same.

In their conclusion the researchers write “Healthy lifestyle changes during young adulthood are associated with decreased risk and unhealthy lifestyle changes are associated with increased risk for subclinical atherosclerosis in middle age.”

According to Dr. Spring, “This finding is important because it helps to debunk two myths held by some health care professionals.” The first is that it’s nearly impossible to change patients’ behaviors. Yet, we found that 25 percent of adults made healthy lifestyle changes on their own. The second myth is that the damage has already been done – adulthood is too late for healthy lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of developing coronary artery disease. Clearly, that’s incorrect. Adulthood is not too late for healthy behavior changes to help the heart.”

The study also found that 40.4 % of participants had fewer healthy lifestyle factors and gained more bad habits as they aged. Each decrease in healthy lifestyle factor had greater odds of coronary artery calcification (odds ratio=1.17; 95% confidence interval, 1.02–1.33) and greater intima-media thickness (β=+0.020, P<0.01).

"It's not too late," comments Dr. Spring. "You're not doomed if you've hit young adulthood and acquired some bad habits. You can still make a change and it will have a benefit for your heart.”

"If you don't keep up a healthy lifestyle, you'll see the evidence in terms of your risk of heart disease," said Dr. Spring.

According to Dr. Spring the healthy changes people in the study made are attainable and sustainable. She offers some tips for those who want to embrace a healthy lifestyle at any age:

Burn Your Fat & Control Healthy Body Weight

Ø  Keep a healthy body-weight
Ø  Don’t smoke
Ø  Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity five times a week
Ø  No more than one alcoholic drink a day for women, no more than two for men
Ø  Eat a healthy diet, high in fiber, low in sodium with lots of fruit and vegetables
Ø  This study is published in the journal Circulation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Diabetics Protected From High Traffic Pollution

Oral diabetes solutions are more compelling than insulin in shielding diabetics from the unfavorable impacts of high activity contamination, says a study. Study members in Puerto Rico who utilized insulin and lived beside streets with substantial movement had especially expanded C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of irritation, contrasted with those living in lower activity territories.

Oral Medic Diabetes Solutions  Better Protects Diabetics From Pollution

People taking oral diabetes pharmaceuticals did not experience increments in CRP focus. "CRP focus expanded 75-200 percent over the two-year period for those 10 percent of study members living in the most elevated movement ranges who were utilizing insulin when contrasted with those living in lower activity zones," said first and relating creator Christine Rioux, research partner educator at the Tufts University School of Medicine in the US.

"Interestingly, CRP fixation did not increment for the 22 percent of individuals taking metformin and/or other oral diabetes pharmaceuticals who were likewise living in the high activity territories," Rioux noted. Of the 356 members in the study, 91 (26 percent) utilized insulin, 197 (55 percent) utilized just oral diabetes prescription and 68 (19 percent) reported utilizing no diabetes pharmaceutical. CRP was measured toward the start of the study and again after two years, utilizing a high affectability test. "It is imperative to know who is most powerless against the unfriendly impacts of activity contamination presentation for purposes of training and arrangement," Rioux noted.

Individuals who live close by occupied streets and invest the greater part of their time in these zones have been demonstrated in numerous studies to have larger amounts of aggravation, a danger element for some cardiovascular and metabolic illnesses. "This study is essential in light of the fact that numerous individuals who live close to parkways may have diabetes and different genuine constant conditions," Mkaya Mwamburi from the Tufts University School of Medicine brought up. "It is intriguing to see that medications for diabetes may interface with the dangers connected with introduction to air contamination," Mwamburi said. The study said that it is not clear why oral diabetes meds, dissimilar to insulin, give off an impression of being defensive and it warrants extra research. The study was distributed online in the journal of Environmental Pollution.

High Traffic Pollution Causes Diabetes

5 Steps To Start Your Self-Improvement Journey

Have you ever wondered if there is more to life than what you are experiencing now? When you examine your various life aspects such as health, relationships and finances, do you find there is an imbalance or missing component?

Improve Self-Improvement

Questioning your purpose in life or realizing you have to change something can be the start of a beautiful and evolutionary journey. Your soul yearns to awaken to its potential and align your physical self with its greatest destiny.

You may wonder where to start or how to begin such a complex task. The key to understanding your self-growth process is to realize the joy and miracles are in the journey itself, not the final destination. Once you embark on this new adventure, you become transformed in mind, body, heart and soul.

Five steps to facilitate your spiritual awakening and self-development are as follows:

1.       Take full responsibility for your life. Assuming a victim consciousness or complaining about circumstances or other people serves to dis-empower you. The only way to take charge and change your life is to own it. Even if you've made poor choices in the past, admit your role and responsibility and learn from mistakes.
2.       Allow yourself to release what is no longer serving your highest purpose. Relationships that are draining and toxic are not healthy. Clutter in your home, car or office keeps stagnant, dense energy around. Old, limiting beliefs and patterns that formed in your subconscious mind can create resistance to new opportunities. Notice the automatic negative thought processes that come up and work to re-program your mind to focus on what you now desire.
3.       Start somewhere. In order to usher in fresh energy and new beginnings, you have to take action. Listen to your intuition. Figure out what brings you happiness and what feels naturally good and healthy for you. Each of us is a uniquely created individual with our own gifts, talents and interests. If your goal is to get fit, start with a walk in your neighborhood. You may want to connect with like-minded others through local social gatherings. Take a least three small action steps each day toward your goal.
4.       Recognize the beauty and magic in your personal development journey. When you make a clear intention to shift something in your life, the universe conspires on your behalf. Observing the signs and synchronistic events can motivate you and validate your path. Focusing on fear, worrying about the future or ruminating about the past can block progress. Trust in yourself and higher forces helping you co-create your desired life.
5.       Maintain a state of gratitude and be a life-long seeker. Research what your soul wishes to learn about and apply the principles in your everyday life. Continue holistic self-care and honor the process as a personal and sacred one. You are not competing with anyone. Your goal is to be better than the person you were yesterday.

Self-growth and development is holistic in nature. Your life is full of layers of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects. Your job as an awakened being is to perform life reviews, determine which areas cause the most stress and work toward healing them.

Practical Ways To Improve Yourself

Change can be challenging, scary and overwhelming. However, these experiences can help you to believe in your own personal power, identify your self-worth and tap into your intrinsic ability to attract amazing opportunities. Throughout the process, you will learn to be, act and love from a more authentic place.

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Smart Insulin Patch Could Provide Painless Blood Glucose Control For Diabetics

Biomedical engineers and diabetes doctors from the University of the North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine and North Carolina State have developed an insulin patch that is capable of detecting increases in blood sugar levels and secreting insulin doses into the bloodstream when needed. The research was announced on June 22, 2015, and was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Smart Insulin Patch to Give Diabetics Respite from Insulin Shots

The patch is a thin square no larger than a penny. It contains more than 100 tiny needles that are approximately the size of eyelash. The “microneedles” contain microscopic storage units for insulin. The units contain enzymes that sense glucose levels and rapidly release insulin when blood sugar levels become too high. The microneedles penetrate the skin’s surface to tap into the blood flow through the capillaries just below the skin surface. In a mouse model of type 1 diabetes, the patch lowered blood glucose for up to nine hours.

We have designed a patch for diabetes that works fast, is easy to use, and is made from nontoxic, biocompatible materials,” said co-senior study author Zhen Gu, PhD, a professor in the Joint UNC/NC State Department of Biomedical Engineering. “The whole system can be personalized to account for a diabetic’s weight and sensitivity to insulin so we could make the smart patch even smarter.”

While the approach does show great promise, researchers say that more pre-clinical tests and subsequent clinical trials are needed before the patch can be administered to human patients. “Injecting the wrong amount of medication can lead to significant complications like blindness and limb amputations, or even more disastrous consequences such as diabetic comas and death,” John Buse, MD, PhD, co-author of the study and the director of the UNC Diabetes Care Center.

Researchers gave one set of mice a standard insulin injection and measured blood glucose levels that returned to normal and then quickly rose into the hyperglycemic range. They tested another set of mice with the patch and observed that blood glucose levels were brought under control within thirty minutes and stayed level for several hours. The researchers also found that the patch could be fine-tuned to change blood glucose levels in a certain range by changing the dose of the enzyme contained in each microneedle. They found the patch was not as hazardous as insulin injections, which can cause blood glucose levels to plummet to dangerously low levels if administered too often.

The hard part of diabetes care is not the insulin shots, or the blood sugar checks, or the diet but the fact that you have to do them all several times a day every day for the rest of your life, said Buse, the director of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute and past president of the American Diabetes Association. “If we can get these patches to work in people, it will be a game changer.”

Blood Glucose Levels Meter

Researchers speculate that the patch’s ability to stabilize blood sugar in human patients could last longer than in mice because mice are less sensitive to insulin than humans. Gu said that their goal is to develop a smart insulin patch that only needed to be changed every few days.

Reduce Breast Cancer Risk With Fish Oils

Numerous studies have reported the health benefits of fish oil. Now, a large new study has found that a seafood diet that contains higher levels of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer. Researchers at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China published their findings on June 27 in BMJ.

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The researchers note that breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and the leading cause of death from cancer among women, accounting for 23% of the total cancer cases and 14% of cancer deaths in 2008. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths, behind lung cancer. The researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 26 six research publications, including 20,905 cases of breast cancer and 883,585 participants from 21 independent prospective cohort studies. Of the 26 studies, 11 (13,323 breast cancer events and 687,770 participants) investigated fish intake, 17 articles investigated marine n-3 PUFA (16,178 breast cancer events and 527,392 participants), and 12 articles investigated alpha linolenic acid (14,284 breast cancer events and 405,592 participants). A meta-analysis is the compilation of data from several studies to increase the validity of the results. The data was obtained from PubMed and Embase up to December 2012.

The authors noted that fish (especially salmon, tuna, and sardines) are the most abundant source of marine n-3 PUFA; thus, they evaluated these sources as well as dietary supplements containing marine n-3 PUFA. They found that marine n-3 PUFA was associated with 14% reduction of risk of breast cancer, and the relative risk remained similar whether marine n-3 PUFA was measured as dietary intake or as tissue biomarkers. Subgroup analyses also indicated that the inverse association between marine n-3 PUFA and risk was more evident in studies that did not adjust for body mass index (BMI) than in studies that did adjust for BMI. Dose-response analysis indicated that risk of breast cancer was reduced by 5% per 0.1g/day or 0.1% energy/day increment of dietary marine n-3 PUFA intake. No significant association was observed for fish intake or exposure to alpha linolenic acid.
The authors concluded that higher consumption of dietary marine n-3 PUFA is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. They added that the associations of fish and alpha linolenic acid intake with risk warrant further investigation of prospective cohort studies. They note that their findings could public health implications in regard to prevention of breast cancer through dietary and lifestyle interventions.

Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Take home message:

This study notes that, in addition to cardiovascular benefits, marine n-3 PUFA can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Supplements are available that contain the substance. Include seafood such as salmon, tuna, and sardines in your diet. Avoid farm-raise products such as farm-raised salmon. This seafood contains antibiotics and other pollutants, which negate their health benefits.