Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Are you taking unhealthy dietary supplements?

Of the 15 toys recalled in the United States in 2012 because of the dangers they pose to children, 10 were manufactured in China. Chinese drywall imported from 2001 to 2007 released sulfur gas that sickened homeowners and corroded wiring, air-conditioning systems and other metal surfaces. Many of those homeowners are still trying to win compensation. In recent years, US dogs and cats died from eating Chinese pet food made with melamine, and the FDA warned consumers to throw away toothpastes made in China because of the risk they included an antifreeze ingredient.

Unhealthy Diet

“The problem is, manufacturers, distributors and consumers alike are attracted to inexpensive goods, and in countries like China, things can be produced cheaply in part because there are fewer regulations regarding quality control,” notes Joe Veilleux, president of Euromed USA and a registered pharmacist. He adds, “That’s why I warn people who buy all-natural nutritional supplements not to buy the cheapest products available. If the ingredients in them are not subject to regulatory oversight, they can be dangerous.”

The active ingredients in many natural supplements are botanicals, which are extracts from herbs and other medicinal plants. Some of the dangerous potential problems that can occur without rigorous quality control include:

Contamination by pesticides and other heavy metals. Exposure to these contaminants can be hazardous to humans and can be present if growing conditions and plant materials are not carefully monitored. Manufacturers who aren’t held to government standards may not even check for contamination.

Radiation exposure. The ground the plants are grown in may have radiation, which is absorbed by the plants. This is another contaminant for which regulated manufacturers carefully test.

Species misidentification. Slightly different varieties of a plant may have vastly different properties. Black cohosh, for example, is a member of the buttercup family and is used to treat menopause symptoms like hot flashes. Some varieties of the genus Actaea may look similar to Actaea racemosa, but they do not have the same effect and, in fact, can be harmful.

While price can be a red flag for consumers, surprisingly, one sign that a product meets high quality standards is if it comes from a company that incorporates environmental sustainability practices, Veilleux says. He explains, “A company that’s making an effort to address issues such as sustainability is farther along in the evolutionary process. A company’s first mission will be to provide the best quality of product it can. Once it has achieved that, it looks to improve in other ways, including sustainability, reducing its impact on the environment and social responsibility. But it can’t get to step 2 until it has mastered step 1.”

Veilleux says a reliable sign that a company is serious about “green” issues is if it has earned ISO 14001 certification. He notes, “ISO stands for International Standardization Organization. Its criteria can be applied and measured uniformly in countries around the world. So whether a company’s in China or the United States, if it has ISO 14001 certification, you can be assured it takes sustainability and environmental issues seriously.” Euromed’s factory in Barcelona earned the ISO 14001 certification in July of this year. Another way to safeguard yourself is to buy products from major U.S. brands, such as GNC and Whole Foods, Veilleux says. He explains, “The big brands have a lot to lose, so they’re not as likely to take chances by obtaining their ingredients from unregulated sources. Having their products blamed for a public health crisis would be disastrous to them.”
Unhealthy Diet Supplements

About Euromed USA:

Euromed USA supplies standardized botanical and herbal extracts and natural active substances for use in the pharmaceutical, health food and cosmetics industries. By extracting the necessary chemicals, the company can guarantee its products meet the precise chemical specifications necessary. Euromed was founded 40 years ago. Its parent company is the 100-year-old Rottapharm-Madaus corporation based in Italy. For further information.

Source: ED Treatment India

Heart disease experts dispel myths about cholesterol

Nutritionist Jonny Bowden, PhD and cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD have written a book focused on heart disease prevention: “The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan That Will.” This book is a must-read for anyone interested in heart health and anyone taking, or considering taking statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs). The book notes that the only individuals that may benefit from statins are middle-aged men that have suffered a heart attack. In addition, statins do not reduce the risk of death for men of any age who have not suffered a heart attack, women, or children.

It explains that statins increase the risk of diabetes, cancer, erectile dysfunction, mental confusion, and memory loss.

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The authors suggest that cholesterol has been wrongly accused because:

·         Cholesterol is harmless and is only a minor player in heart disease
·         Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks
·         Half the people with normal cholesterol have heart disease while half the people with elevated cholesterol have perfectly healthy hearts
·         The number one dietary contributor to heart disease is sugar, which is a far greater danger to your heart than fat.

The book points out facts that I learned in medical school and many that I was not aware of:

·         The body can manufacture cholesterol; thus, lowering cholesterol in the diet may not necessarily lower serum cholesterol levels.
·         Cholesterol is the precursor of essential steroids in the body. Cholesterol is the basis of cortisone, and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), Vitamin D, and bile acids needed for digestion.
·         The only time that cholesterol is a problem is if it is oxidized (damaged).
·         The true cause of heart disease is inflammation.
·         The concept of “good” and “bad” cholesterol is outdated.
·         There are several types of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and several types of HDL (“good “) cholesterol.
·         It is far more important to know whether you have a pattern A or pattern BLDL cholesterol profile than to know your total amount of LDLs.
·         A cholesterol level of 160 mg/dL or less has been linked to depression, aggression, cerebral hemorrhage (stroke), and loss of sex drive.

The book discusses the aforementioned points in detail and is written in a manner that can be followed by anyone without a scientific background. The last chapter makes specific suggestions regarding heart health. It is entitled: “Putting it All Together—a Simple and Easy Bueprint for a Healthy Heart—and Life.”

Monday, May 20, 2019

5 Things that Can Help Erectile Dysfunction

If you have been suffering erectile dysfunction as a man, well you will be pleased to know that all is not lost. There are some remedies that can be taken so as to live a renewed and rejuvenated life where you enjoy your sexual exploits. According to a new study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, there is a combination of five key things that will help deal with erectile dysfunction in men. The research was conducted in Australia with 765 men being used of age group 35 - 80. Majority of the respondents in the study were in the older age bracket where erectile dysfunction has been shown to be similar.

A questionnaire was used for data collection where sexual desire, activity as well as preferences were assessed. General health questions were also included with questions regarding weight, physical activity, alcohol intake, sleep as well as depression being polled. The respondent’s activity was then followed over a 5 year period and results showed that an improvement in habits and health practices also saw an improvement in sexual function. The researchers showed that though sexual dysfunction affects men of all ages, there is a significant improvement in sexual practices when changes in lifestyle were made. Below are the five issues which were followed by the study.

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1. Weight Management
Obese men were shown to have much lower testosterone levels as compared to men who were within the recommended body Mass Index BMI. It was thus advised that men should strive to keep within their specified weight limits as the BMI would need. This would entail a diet change as well as an increase in physical activity. Keep checking your weight in relation to the prescribed Body Mass Index and upon achieving the goal, work hard to stay within your weight.

2. Adequate Sleep
There is no doubt that sleep is of great concern when it comes to sleep deprivation. A good starting point is men who snore. If a man snores then they ought to be evaluated for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea interrupts a man’s sleep cycle, thus the rest needed by the body is not attained. Men must get adequate sleep for optimum testosterone levels to be achieved. Low testosterone levels are a major contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. A good sign of adequate sleep is the normal morning rise of the penis. If this is lacking, then there could be a problem even if erectile dysfunction has not hit yet, this, according to the researchers.

3. Regular Exercise
There is no question as regards the level of exercise. Regular exercise ensures that testosterone production is at its optimum level. As you become fit, your sex drive increases as well. The researchers also showed that when a person stops exercise, there is a direct correlation with a reduction in sex drive. More to it, regular exercise also helps a man improve confidence as well as well as boost his self esteem. Get on with the exercise and enjoy the immense benefits it has to offer.

4. Balanced Diet
Cholesterol is an agent that greatly hampers optimum production of testosterone levels in the body. Lowering testosterone levers would correspond with a boost in testosterone levels as well. High sugar levels were also shown to affect nerve action in the penis, especially for men with diabetes. In controlling sugar intake as well as instituting nutritionally sound choices, weight management will be aided as well as restoration of nerve action in the penis, thus an increased sexual appetite.

5. Limited Alcohol
Well, if you must partake in alcohol, ensure you keep it to the bare minimum. Having a drink or two was reported to go in line with reduced risk of cardiovascular problems. The cardiovascular issues have been reported to be a major contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. In managing your heart health, research showed that a direct correlation was shown with improved sex drive among the study respondents. Taking too much alcohol on a regular basis will prevent testosterone production as well as ruin heart health. The reason to this is that alcohol suppresses a lot of nerve action, thus may reduce sexual arousal or even sensitivity to sexual cues, as the brain may be able to produce hormones which aid in causing and sustaining an erection.

Making use of a combination of the aforementioned tips has been shown to help alleviate erectile dysfunction and enjoy a transformation in life. While at it, it is highly recommended that all the tips recommended are exercised in moderation. Overdoing any of the items mentioned might reverse the gains made, as a normal body operation must be sustained for value to be seen. Too much exercise, indulging in too much alcohol, strict dieting, oversleeping or even poor weight management practices can cause more problems than you were trying to solve.

Source: ED Treatment India

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by alcohol use

Sexual performance is a touchy issue -- excuse the bad pun -- and it could be even touchier when hooked up with how much men drink. Guys who want to avoid taking erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Cialis or the blue pill might want to back off the alcohol. Drinking alcohol can cause lasting damage to men's sexual performance even after abstaining from the booze, a 2017 study suggests.

Researchers said men can suffer "the droop" for more than a year after giving up heavy drinking. Academics from Santo Tomas University in Columbia and the University of Granada in Spain said their results show that, overall, all dimensions (pleasure, arousal, desire and orgasm) were moderately impaired. Pleasure and orgasm being the two most significantly impaired. After even two weeks of abstinence, there was no improvement.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine study noted: It does not seem to be just a temporary problem because erectile ability was still affected after a year, and according to the results, did not seem likely to improve by just reducing drinking rather than quitting all together. This 2013 study reverses long-standing myth that alcohol does not cause performance problems. In fact, studies show that men with the disease of alcoholism have a 60 to 70 percent chance of suffering from sexual problems. Alcohol users were found to have lower pleasure scores, which only backs up years of speculation about alcohol and how it changes male performance and overall reproductive health.

So the booze may make it easier to get a few digits at the club, but the depressant can kill the fun later that night... and possibly later in life if the drinking continues.

The researchers also found that heavy drinkers tended to enjoy sex less, and less often, than those who don't drink anymore. Might have something to do with how alcohol impacts other areas of relationships, too.

Source: ED Treatment India

Erectile Dysfunction May Sign Out Other Health Problems

Those suffering from erectile dysfunction maybe faced with some significant health problems throughout the course of the year. This is a major challenge for people who want to maintain their health. There is new research indicating that men will need to improve the way that they tend to deal with these issues as well. They can review some of the resources available to them through medical journeys and surveys that are taken. This will share the experiences of other men who have dealt with these problems in the past. Some men will be able to recommend important lifestyle changes that will actually make it easier to deal with these issues.

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Erectile dysfunction is commonly linked to a whole host of health issues that men will be faced with over time. They may find that they are struggling with different types of heart health problems, which are significant. Men will need to think about how they can accommodate these heart health problems, since this will impact the way that they tend to manage their health. Men will need to consider setting up a consultation with a doctor to understand more about the health issues that they are facing over time as well.
If they discover that they are dealing with major heart health problems, they should contact a physician soon. They will be able to recommend how they can cope with the impact that erectile dysfunction could be having on their bodies. This will give them a better overall understanding of how the disease can affect their health as well. This is a major component of these issues and will help people review some of the important aspects of how this can work. Men will need to review how their heart health can be managed when they accommodate these changes over time.
Some men will find out that they are also dealing with issues related to depression when they are managing their erectile dysfunction. They will need to review how they can best manage their health and find a better overall solution to these problems. There are health professionals who can recommend important changes to the way that they approach these problems. Tension and stress can produce profound effects on the different types of issues that men are facing. This will help people identify the unique aspects of how erectile dysfunction can affect the lives of men and how it may be comorbid with other issues.
It is estimated that 25 percent of men before the age of 50 will face erectile health issues. They will quickly discover that they are dealing with other problems, so a comprehensive health screening may be necessary. Men should contact a male sexual health professional who has a comprehensive view of how these issues may affect their health. It is possible that half of all men before the age of 70 will be dealing with problems related to their erectile health. Given the commonality of these issues, it will be vitally important to talk to an experienced professional operating in the area.
It is important to understand that regular sexual activity can maintain hormone levels within the body. The male orgasm can have important positive effects on a man's health, which will be a valuable asset for them to consider. Men will need to understand more about how they can improve on their health in just a short amount of time. Getting screened for these issues can help them understand more about how they can best manage their health and get themselves working towards proper health soon. This is a comprehensive part of why erectile dysfunction can impact the health of people involved.
Finally, problems with erectile dysfunction can actually provide a similar explanation for men who are faced with other health issues. They may find that they have blockages within their circulatory system. Men may also discover that they are dealing with circulatory problems that are having a comprehensive impact on their health. This is a core reason why men will need to change their lifestyle and find a comprehensive solution to their health soon. If men can unlock the underlying issue behind their erectile dysfunction, they will be able to properly manage their total health in the long run.

Source: ED Treatment India