Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lyme and Relationships: Toxic Romantic Relationships

For a long time, I believed my ex-husband had already left me emotionally by the time I realized the darkness of my illness was only doubled by the abusive nature of our marriage and worked up the strength to file for divorce. Now, years later, I just how much verity that notion lacks. You see, he left me emotionally in regards to the way I knew him in the days before the scalding lava of the erupting volcano of a life changing illness flowed within and without. However, he did not entirely leave me emotionally. In fact, he was just as attached to me emotionally as he was before -only now, my sickness, for whatever reason, had transformed his new emotional attachment to me into one that was sick in itself. Suddenly, the person who was supposed to be my protector became the largest threat to my health, as his words turned from fiery passion to ones laced with icy intent more and more with each passing day. I went on that way for a year, crying every time we spoke until the stress on my inflamed brain induced a seizure.

Lyme Disease Relationships

Ultimately, I stressed my immune system to the point where treatment was undoubtedly useless. I told myself I was staying in the marriage for love, along with a plethora of other excuses such as religious beliefs and morals. Deep down I have always known true love has no opposite, though. I stayed with him was because I was weak. It had nothing to do with values, except in the sense that I did not value my self-worth. Earlier, I mentioned people leave us because they are too weak at times, and the task of caring for us scares them to the core. We are guilty of doing the same when we become so desperate to feel anything that we willingly latch onto toxic relationships, acting as if we are ourselves are parasites. Finding the strength to part ways with such relationships takes immense courage, especially for an individual who feels as if they are navigating through dark fog towards their impending doom. It requires them to be strong enough to be alone with their own thoughts during the dark witching hour of the bright full moon lit nights. What we must realize is that these relationships are not offering us security along the way. They offer us nothing more than a shortcut to the grave. Being mindful of the signs that a relationship is becoming toxic is essential for our well-being.

Many of us suffer from intense rage due to our illnesses. Although we may be unable to help it, we say hurtful things that make our partners’ hearts sink. Still, they often forgive us because we acted unkind due to our medical conditions. In short, the ones that stick around while we are ill let it slide due to the notion that when we lash out at them it is not really us speaking, it is our illnesses. Really though, they feel backed in a corner in which they have no choice but to sweep our harmful words and/or actions under the rug due to our health challenges. If not, they would look, and perhaps feel, like bad people. Our partners may tell us they forgive us for the harmful things we say and do, but unlike us, they tend to have properly functioning memories and do not forget incidents when rage and emotions get the best of us. Since they are unable to vent to us about the issue for obvious reasons, they dwell on it internally and keep their hurt bottled up, in turn leading them to eventually burst out in anger towards us. Partly because they are human and partly because they hold resentment towards us for things we have said and done during our own fits of rage, even if the resentment they hold towards us is subconscious and they have no clue it exists until their fumes boil over and the damage is done -this is the problem.

Understanding all the above, we feel inclined to forgive our partners for hurting us, as they too are only human. Furthermore, we feel as if we are obligated to. After all, they have forgiven us multiple times for irrationally assaulting them verbally. Unfortunately, doing so comes at a high price. The hurtful things they say do not merely upset us, they literally make us sick. Thirty minutes of anger from our partner can result in excruciating hours to days of intensified pain for us both physically and mentally, and we may unintentionally treat them unkindly once again due to neurological flares while trying to recover, contributing to the possibility that they will in turn repay the nasty deed before we even get the chance to recover. It is a vicious cycle. So, where do we draw the line? Here. We draw it here, at the point where even if we are not fighting with our partner 24/7, we fight enough for the stress from the fights to repeatedly knock us down the minute we get back on our feet -or, if less unfortunate, before we so much as get the chance to. Of course, this is easier said than done. Excuses make sure of that.

"But I love my partner"

Do we? We may think so, and it may very well be true that we do. Nonetheless, once toxicity has permeated a relationship, it is also true that we are both giving and receiving only a miniscule amount of the capacity of love which we possess the potential to offer to both ourselves and others. To fully love another, we must first fully love ourselves. If we do not have enough respect for ourselves to be strong enough to delete the variables in our lives that are prohibiting our healing, then we do not have much respect for any person or thing, or for life as a whole.

"I can’t just walk away."

From who? We already walked away from ourselves when we chose a relationship that, for whatever reason, became toxic to our health. By distancing ourselves from negative relationships, we do not so much walk away from the other person as we do towards ourselves. It is only when we are in touch with our true nature and are able to respect and cherish our own hearts that we can be trusted to do the same with another’s. Then, and only then, do we have a shot at engaging in a relationship of substance.

Simply put, stepping away from a relationship that has become toxic in nature does not necessarily mean a breakup. If anything, it means putting forth the effort to prevent one from occurring. It is anything but selfish to take time away from activities and people who for whatever reason place excess stress on us. It is extremely selfless and requires great inner strength to do so, as no one wants to be alone through hardships. Taking care of our health and deep rooted desires and needs teaches us how to properly nourish not only our own hearts, but the hearts of our future partners as well, whether they be the same ones we left or new ones. Ultimately, we must keep in mind that we essentially walk all over ourselves when we allow someone else to walk all over us. In the end, we are the only ones left to blame because we failed to take responsibility for ourselves the moment we failed to draw the line between empathy and abuse -both from ourselves and another.

This does not mean we should those who we are forced to separate from due to the stress the relationship places on us. It means we should be kind to ourselves and shield our hearts from harm. Doing so is a responsibility not to be taken lightly; because how can we ever shield another’s heart if we neglect our own? We simply cannot. This also does not mean we should hate or despise those who treat us unfairly, but that we should love and value ourselves enough to walk away from them before we end up making the mistake of instead walking away from ourselves. How can we ever feel alive if we allow others to steal our zest for life and thus make us numb inside?

Toxic Romantic Relationships

We have choices, always. The seemingly easy ones are sometimes at the same time the most destructive, leading us down long and difficult paths. On the other hand, the hard ones are painful, but in a different way. It is hard to take responsibility for the areas in our lives where change is needed in order to experience more joy; but it is crucial to understand the pain that manifests from making hard but overall positive changes in life -unlike the easy, and for lack of better words, lazy ones- is an acute pain as opposed to the alternative dull yet chronic pain. Suffering can only end when we realize there is no longer any use for it. Are we brave enough to take the acute pain as opposed to less pain that is long term and never ending? Are we brave enough to love and value ourselves enough to do more than be “content” with our lives, to do more than “settle?” Those are the real questions worth keeping us up at night.


Nearly one in five adults over 65 drink daily, not without risk

A July 2014 study by consumer analysts, The Mintel Group, concludes 18 percent of people over age of 65 drink daily. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says one in ten in this age group is a binge drinker. Not every daily or binge drinker is alcoholic, however there are considerations aside from the disease of alcoholism:

Middle-aged drinking more than the young

Ø  There’s a three times higher rate of depression compared to non-drinking seniors;
Ø  Drinkers have a three times greater risk of hip fracture; and
Ø  Drinkers past the retirement age have a 16 times greater likelihood of a suicide attempt compared to a non-drinker.

There are drug interactions as well, as highlighted in a previous episode, and as people age they generally are prescribed more medications and take more over the counter remedies. All in, more than 120 meds have an adverse reaction to alcohol.

Statistics on alcohol-related deaths in older adults are not entirely accurate, although they point to a higher toll than the under-60 crowd. Take for example, a retiree who has a wicked fall following a drinking episode or an alcohol/drug interaction. The medical examiner's “cause of death” would be a head injury. What caused the head injury? Or more to the point, what caused the fall? Back to an earlier stat: Why do drinkers have a higher likelihood of hip fracture? Not just because old age weakens bone, but because alcohol compromises an already compromised sense of balance.

A July 2015 British Medical Journal study noted that those over age 50 who are active, social and well-off are drinking more – a “middle class phenomenon” which may be a hidden health and social problem in otherwise successful older people. What may skew all the stats on the extent of drinking in older adults is that maybe they’re drinking the same as ever before (which would be bad news or no news) but now they’re wise enough to admit to problem drinking and seek help for alcohol use disorders that nobody solves on their own (and that's good news).

Drinking Alcohol Affects Your Brain As You Get Older


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Diabetes can affect a person's sexual life

People might be surprised to know that there is a link between sexual issues and diabetes. Since it is a sensitive subject, many men and women with diabetes fail to discuss how their medical condition might affect their sexual life. If they would discuss their concern with their doctor, perhaps there could be a care plan for them to follow. Quality Health reports that physicians may prescribe medications to treat sexual problems related to diabetes.

Diabetes and Sex Issues for Men, Issues for Women

In some cases, sexual performance can be affected by diabetes. Diabetes can cause the loss of sexual desire and performance in both men and women. Up to 50 percent of men and 25 percent of women may experience some kind of sexual problems or a loss of sexual desire if they have diabetes, according to a report.

Almost one in three men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction. Diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system over a sustained period of time. This situation is known as diabetic neuropathy when diabetes damages the erectile tissue leaving it impossible for a man to achieve or maintain an erection. In fact, erectile dysfunction is the way men might discover that they have diabetes. Some evidence indicates that women with diabetes might become unable to respond sexually when the clitoris fails to respond to stimulation.

Knowing that sexual problems may be linked to diabetes should be enough to get diabetics to discuss this concern with their primary care physician or their diabetic doctor. While diabetes is a disease, it doesn't have to keep diabetics from enjoying a healthy sex life.

Diabetes Affect a Person's Sexual Life

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Alcohol use forces disruption of the body's vitamin A levels

Several of The Sobriety :60+ video segments have mentioned how even moderate alcohol use plays havoc with vitamins. It raids the body of B-vitamins, covered in the episodes on the heart and brain. Alcohol also has a dramatic impact on the way vitamin A is handled. Part of that was alluded to in the episodes on the eyes, immune system and the liver. A new study published in the Sept. 2, 2015 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal gives a little more detail.
Alcoholism Alcoholic Symptoms

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The study suggests long-term alcohol use lowers vitamin A levels in the liver, which is the main site of both, alcohol metabolism and vitamin A storage, while bumping up vitamin A levels in many other tissues. Initially 15 percent of the body's vitamin A migrates out of the liver to other tissues. Ultimately, around 60 percent of the vitamin is lost with chronic drinking. “We hope this study will lead to a broader understanding and appreciation of the fact that excessive consumption of alcohol has a negative effect on vitamin A function in the body," said researcher, Robin Clugston, from Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

So it's a wash if liver vitamin A is low and vitamin A in other tissues is elevated, right? Not exactly. The liver needs the vitamin A to stave off liver disease. And the other tissues don't feed the A into the bloodstream the way the liver does. You'll know you're deficient in the vitamin if you get night blindness or blotchy rashes or both.

If it builds up in other tissues, it can become toxic. Self medicating with vitamin A supplements would worsen it, even if the liver stores are low. Vitamin A toxicity usually reveals itself with headaches, nausea, drowsiness, vomiting… which could be confused with the alcohol itself. In recovery, addiction care from professionals you experience at The Manor among others, will focus on diets that contain vitamin-rich food, not simply pill supplements for this reason.

One of the best things about recovery is feeling “well” again… sometimes for what feels like the first time ever. Part of where that feeling comes from is not dumping a toxin into the body, and part comes from a healthy diet. The rest? That comes from knowing you don't have to live the old way anymore.

Night Blindness of Eye


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Public sex conundrum: How to experience the thrill without getting caught

This week, we hear from a reader with an unusual question that many of you may have, but never thought to ask:

Jamal, from New York, NY, writes:

“My girlfriend and I get really turned on by public sex, but obviously, we don’t really want to get arrested for public indecency or anything like that. Any suggestions on how can we get the thrill without the risk?”

Sex In Car

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Well, Jamal, for many couples, it’s just the possibility of getting caught that makes sex so exciting; but you're right – getting arrested for indecent exposure or lewd behavior is more than a little embarrassing and could have some pretty severe consequences. On the other hand, you don't have to give up on the idea altogether; you can try to simulate the public nature of the activity without actually having the risk using some of the following ideas.

Some options that are a little bit safer might include having sex in your own back yard, or on your deck (or balcony, if you are in the city), or in a hot tub – but if your outdoor areas are not completely private, make sure that you wait until dark so that others don’t see you.

Now, another option would be to go camping. Having sex in a tent can feel very exciting because you are out in the woods, under the stars to an extent; or you could even rough it a little bit more and go into a part of the woods that is safe, but also secluded enough that a bunch of campers are not going to come upon you.

Other people find hotel sex to be exciting, because there are always people buzzing around, which makes it feel a little bit more public than the privacy of your own bedroom. Whatever you decide to do, just be smart about it –if you do take a risk of a more public place, make sure you leave as many of your clothes on as possible, so that you can make a quick cover up if you need to. Good luck!

Parks Or Beaches, Late At Night


Holiday stress and your heart

February is the month the American Heart Association chooses to highlight heart health for women with the "Go Red For Women" Campaign. But as it turns out the holidays, Thanksgiving through New Year's may trump that idea. Stress and heart attack go hand in hand and heart disease is the number one killer of women and so it is right to highlight this population. The holiday season is often a high stress time for families in general and women in particular. It is also true that the symptoms of heart attack for women are not the "Hollywood" image of crushing chest pain, so taking serious any out of the ordinary jaw or neck pain, indigestion or other related symptoms is important. I noticed we do not hear about heart health for men much anymore, although it is still a problem for them too. In my family, early heart attacks among men in their middle age still seem to occur, despite all the discussion and pleading by spouses and siblings to take better care of yourself.

Holiday Stress

I recently lost my beloved brother and thirty years ago lost my father both at the age of 59 years due to heart attack. What did we know thirty years ago about men and heart attack and have we learned anything new? Last week my friend and I had a conversation at dinner where he , having lost both parents relatively early, has come to a personal belief that genetics rather than lifestyle choice will determine his fate. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I still believe that lifestyle choices might have some say in his longevity and looked at the research to prove my point. So before I concede to genetics domination, where there is no gain in following a healthy lifestyle, and by that I mean following a healthy diet and trying to, at least, getting in those ten thousand steps per day, I will share with you the information I have found.

1) Check you Blood Pressure- it matters and it needs to be controlled with medication for the rest of your life, even if elevated before, but normal after weight loss, if there is a family history. Think of it as an insurance policy but more importantly talk to your doctor.

2) Quit smoking-there is nothing healthy about it, period.

3) Normal blood sugar values-Diabetes is intimately related to heart health, so if you have been putting off getting your blood sugar checked, do it now!

4) Healthy body weight-the hardest thing to figure out. Television ads, long work hours, no family dinners, processed foods and high stress all contribute to an unhealthy diet. Unavailable fresh fruits and vegetables, and expensive healthy options do not make life easy for the average person to stay healthy in today's market.

5) Exercise-we have been hearing about it for over ten years counting your steps up to 10,000 per day. This has been one successful method for delaying poor health. Technology has bridged the gap to make doing this so easy there is no excuse not to anymore. Fit devices you wear on your clothes or shoes even the new smart phones have built in fit devices that give you reminders to get up and move when you have been sitting too long during the day. Above all try to get 150 minutes of exercise per week.
Holiday Heart Stress

6) Stress-we always seem to underestimate how stressful our lives our now. Everything is faster with less time to enjoy our lives in the present. Laugh therapy is turning out to be a positive thing to help bring down stress levels which brings down blood pressure and could perhaps save lives.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Heart disease experts dispel myths about cholesterol

Nutritionist Jonny Bowden, PhD and cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD have written a book focused on heart disease prevention: “The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan That Will.” This book is a must-read for anyone interested in heart health and anyone taking, or considering taking statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs). The book notes that the only individuals that may benefit from statins are middle-aged men that have suffered a heart attack. In addition, statins do not reduce the risk of death for men of any age who have not suffered a heart attack, women, or children.

It explains that statins increase the risk of diabetes, cancer, erectile dysfunction, mental confusion, and memory loss.

High Cholesterol Disease

The authors suggest that cholesterol has been wrongly accused because:
Ø  Cholesterol is harmless and is only a minor player in heart disease
Ø  Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks
Ø  Half the people with normal cholesterol have heart disease while half the people with elevated cholesterol have perfectly healthy hearts
Ø  The number one dietary contributor to heart disease is sugar, which is a far greater danger to your heart than fat.

The book points out facts that I learned in medical school and many that I was not aware of:
Ø  The body can manufacture cholesterol; thus, lowering cholesterol in the diet may not necessarily lower serum cholesterol levels.
Ø  Cholesterol is the precursor of essential steroids in the body. Cholesterol is the basis of cortisone, and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), Vitamin D, and bile acids needed for digestion.
Ø  The only time that cholesterol is a problem is if it is oxidized (damaged).
Ø  The true cause of heart disease is inflammation.
Ø  The concept of “good” and “bad” cholesterol is outdated.
Ø  There are several types of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and several types of HDL (“good “) cholesterol.
Ø  It is far more important to know whether you have a pattern A or pattern BLDL cholesterol profile than to know your total amount of LDLs.
Ø  A cholesterol level of 160 mg/dL or less has been linked to depression, aggression, cerebral hemorrhage (stroke), and loss of sex drive.

The Worst Heart  Health Advice

The book discusses the aforementioned points in detail and is written in a manner that can be followed by anyone without a scientific background. The last chapter makes specific suggestions regarding heart health. It is entitled: “Putting it All Together—a Simple and Easy Bueprint for a Healthy Heart—and Life.”

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Health Quickie Tip: Never choose large portion sizes

There is no denying the facts: we love to eat. We can quickly turn a night out at Olive Garden into a spontaneous feel-good mini-celebration. Reasons for this phenomenon can vary. Part of it is because we must find time to let loose from the daily stressors that make our heads swell. Another part of it is that eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We must eat to survive. If only we could be disciplined to eat smaller portions so that we could better manage our health.

Healthy Habits Easy Health Boosting

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Most people eat so much that they just don’t seem to know when to stop. This causes weight gain, among other chronic conditions that can be avoided with a little control. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is quite alarming. Over one-third (about 35%) of adults in the United States are obese. This percentage translates to nearly 79 million adults. Most experts predict these numbers may continue to increase steadily.

An excellent way to practice self-discipline when dieting is to take baby steps. Consider this foodie tip: when ordering meals for yourself, never select large portion sizes. Regardless of how hungry you think you are, you will consume more calories than you actually need. Unless you exercise 6 days a week or are training for an Ironman competition, the extra calories are unnecessary.

Selections at dining establishments do not have to be difficult. A recent visit to a Burger King restaurant revealed that the Whopper Jr contains approximately half the calories the traditional Whopper sandwich has. That’s roughly 300 vs. 650 calories. A simple switch just by choosing a substitution. Many restaurants are now posting calorie information so everyone can make smart dietary choices.

Perhaps the only time it is reasonable to order large portion sizes is when sharing meals with family and friends. This splits up the calorie count among everyone in the circle. Otherwise, try to steer clear of large portion sizes.

Healthy Fats

We can continue to go out to eat and thoroughly enjoy ourselves while scaling back on monstrous portion sizes. A little hard work usually pays off when you choose to put in the effort.


Friday, August 23, 2019

How to increase a man's fading libido

A waning libido can be caused by a number of factors. As a man ages, it is natural for the libido to decline as testosterone levels decrease. Illness, medication, injury, stress, diet and lack of exercise can all be contributing factors to the problem. While many men turn to pharmaceuticals for relief, there are a number of natural remedies to increase a fading sex drive.

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Before embarking on a self treatment plan using natural remedies to increase libido, all men should visit their doctor to be sure there isn't a serious underlying condition at the root of the problem. There are times when medical intervention is the only course of action to take. Only after a doctor has ruled out disease, illness or injury should a man look into a natural approach for curing his erectile dysfunction. Here are a number of natural remedies to increase a man's libido.

Boost Your Libido For Man

Ø  Eating foods that are rich in zinc has been known to help increase sex drive. Some foods to try include: oysters, lobster, roasted pumpkin seeds, crab, peanuts, toasted wheat germ, almonds and chick peas.
Ø  Foods that contain high amounts of arginine are also a natural way to increase a man's sex drive. The following foods are a good source of arginine: sunflower and sesame seeds, almonds, chicken, turkey and shrimp.
Ø  Avoid alcoholic beverages, especially drinks that contain tonic water. Alcohol is a known libido zapper, but when it is paired with tonic water, which is made with quinine, the effect is doubled.
Ø  Avoid fatty foods and foods high in processed sugar. Some foods to eliminate include red meat, bacon, sausage, dairy and processed baked goods.

Ø  Ginko biloba has been shown to have a positive response on all four phases of sexual response and can help boost a sagging libido.
Ø  Horny goat weed contains both polysaccharides and icariin, which increase sperm production and blood testosterone levels, which can have a positive result on the libido.
Ø  Ashwaghanda is similar to ginseng and has been used to increase sexual energy as it helps impotency and infertility.
Ø  Sarsaparilla contains saparins, which are believed by many to mimic the action of some male hormones. It has been studied for its ability to boost sexual performance.
Ø  It is recommended that those using herbs to boost their libido also take Saw Palmetto to increase overall effectiveness.

Lifestyle Changes
Ø  Exercise provides two ways to boost a sagging libido. It helps increase circulation, which can boost blood flow to the genitals, thus allowing for more frequent and stronger erections. It also aids in the loss of body fat, which can lead to circulatory problems, disease and self esteem issues which can cause a sluggish sex drive.
Ø  Meditation can used be used to counteract the stressors of every day life. When a man is stressed over money, bills and work, it can have a negative effect on his performance. Meditating helps calm the mind, relax the muscles, increase blood flow and ease stress, thus freeing his mind for things to come.
Ø  Spend quality time with your partner. When you schedule sex into your daily routine, it becomes, well, routine. When sex becomes boring and lack luster, a man's mind may begin to wander, hampering his libido. Couples should spend time together engaging in physical interests that can bring them closer in body and mind.
Ø  Stop smoking. Smoking can have adverse effects on blood flow, which can damper sexual function.

How to increase sex drive with food

Monday, August 19, 2019

Birth Control Options for Men

You're a responsible guy and you know for certain that you don't want to bring any children into this world. Men don't have the variety of options at their disposal women do, yet they are often the ones looked to to produce a condom when the moment of truth presents itself. Whoever said "all is fair and love and war" never took into account the disparities in birth control methods. As is stands right now, there are four types of birth control available to men: condoms, vasectomy, withdrawal and abstinence. These types of birth control work using various methods with wildly varying degrees of success.

Birth Control Options for Men


Vasectomy. A vasectomy is the surgical sterilization of a man and hands down the most reliable form of male birth control available. This outpatient procedure typically lasts around 30 minutes and involves the tying, cutting and/or burning of the tubes that carry sperm (vas deferens). This stops sperm from mixing with semen and being delivered to the vagina during ejaculation. Sperm will still be made by the testicles, but they will be absorbed back into the body. Considered a permanent form of birth control, a vasectomy is only recommended for men who are sure they want no children. Reversal of the procedure is possible, but it is difficult and may not be successful. The failure rate of sterilization is less than one percent (.15%). Until the sperm count is confirmed to be zero, another form of birth control must be used to prevent pregnancy. Vasectomy does not provide protection against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. NOTE: In the state of Ohio, if you are a man going through a divorce, you will not be able to obtain a vasectomy until either your divorce is finalized or your spouse signs off on the procedure.


Condoms. Also called rubbers, prophylactics or skins, condoms are a barrier method of birth control and one of the most widely used forms of birth control used. They have been in use in one form or another for over 400 years. A condom is a thin sheath made up of latex, animal skin or plastic that is designed to fully cover the penis during intercourse. It is used to prevent direct contact between the penis and vagina, thus stopping the transfer of semen into the woman's body. Condoms are easy to obtain, fairly inexpensive and come in a wide variety of styles. The failure rate of condoms in preventing pregnancy is between 11 and 14 percent. In addition to offering protection against pregnancy, condoms offer prevention against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms can be purchased at your favorite grocery or drug store, most convenience stores and from a variety of online retailers. Condoms can also be obtained at various community action agencies, including Dr Charles R Drew Health Center, West Carrollton Center, Southview Children and Family Center and the various Planned Parenthood locations in the area.


Withdrawal. Withdrawal is the act of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs and is not a reliable form of birth control. Let me repeat this again, IT IS NOT A RELIABLE FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL. The typical failure rate of this birth control method is 25 percent or higher. While some view withdrawal as "better than nothing," it offers almost no protection from pregnancy as the pre-ejaculate contains enough sperm to fertilize an egg and all it takes is one to create a baby. Some people refer to this method as the "Prayer Method" of birth control since the failure rates are so high. It offers no protection against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Pull-Out-Method & Withdrawal Method

Abstinence. The only true way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain from sexual intercourse altogether, which is easier said than done for most people. Most people view abstinence as a lack of contact between genitals while a more stringent view means a compelte and total lack of contact between genitals, hands, mouths and anus. While this is the only form of birth control to offer 100 percent protection against pregnancy and STD's, it is also the most difficult to practice. When the heat of the moment takes over, it is very easy to give in to sexual arousal. Good intentions do not make for good birth control. It is always best to have condoms on hand, just in case.

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Testosterone replacement therapies raise "Low T" and risk of heart attack

You may have seen the enticing drug advertisements on television advising men who suffer from low energy and low sexual interest to talk to their doctors about "Low T" or low testosterone. Since those ads have been on the air, testosterone replacement therapies have gone flying off the shelves. But now the FDA warns that these testosterone therapies increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. In March of 2015, the FDA required that all manufacturers of testosterone drugs add a warning to their labels. This warning is finally trickling down to small town newspapers, such as the Lompoc Record which ran an edited reprint of a Los Angeles Times article on April 23.

Heart Attacks From Testosterone Replacement

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As one might already know, few people get the box. Everyone who goes to the pharmacy gets a typical pharmacy container. The warnings will have to be added to the information handed to the customer, or by adding a sticker next to the label. This may not be an effective way of transmitting the information to those who are desperate for what they see to be the positive effects of raising their testosterone. Why care about the risk of heart attack when a man can take a pill and feel young again? "People are looking for the fountain of youth," said FDA advisory panel member Dr. Aaron Katz, a urologist in Mineola, N.Y.

The FDA currently has only approved testosterone therapy for men who suffer from disorders which cause hypogonadism. Those disorders might stem from the testicles, the loss of the testicles, or from an under-functioning pituitary gland. The FDA recommends that low testosterone ought to be confirmed with laboratory testing before prescribing the medications.

This warning ought to extend to women. Testosterone patches are often used in conjunction with assisted reproductive technologies like invitro fertilization. The running theory is that women who have trouble conceiving may have lower levels of androgens from under-functioning pituitary glands. However, this is often not confirmed with laboratory testing. Most insurance companies do not cover testosterone therapy for women in conjunction with any ART, so the out of pocket cost can be quite high.

Sylvia Jenkins*, who underwent IVF in hopes of expanding her family told, "My doctor said I needed testosterone patches as part of IVF. I looked at my blood tests later, and I didn't see a test for that." She continued, "I felt totally wired on those patches. In a way, I liked it, but in another way, it was really uncomfortable and expensive. And IVF didn't even work."

Testosterone Lawsuit

For men, there may be other ways they can ignite the fires of their younger years which don't involve supplementing their level of testosterone. The wisest route to feeling more energetic is to quit smoking, eat a healthy diet, get 8 hours of restorative sleep per night, and to exercise since the greatest health factors for erectile dysfunction are diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Special attention should be paid to strengthening the core muscles, which tend to weaken with age. The core muscles include the pelvic floor muscles which control bladder and rectal function. A healthy pelvic floor can also help men to have a better sex life and can help men with erectile dysfunction and painful sex.


Friday, August 16, 2019

Penile Implants and your love life

Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction?

Are you thinking about having a Penile Implant?

If so there are a few things to know that may help you decide to or not to have this surgery.

Penile implantation in your love life

For men the idea of not being able to have an erection is devastating. For most men the thought of not being able to please their partner in the bedroom is one of the worst things that can happen, ever!

Today their are many options to choose from. There are pills like Cialis or Viagra that can be taken in order to allow a man to have an erection. Depending on the dosage taken will allow a man to have an erection that can last for many hours.

Read more about Cialis here

Read more about Viagra here

Another options for men, hydraulic Penile Implant surgery.

This inflatable prosthesis allows a man to choose when he will have an erection, This surgery requires two cylinders, one that sends the fluid into the penis and one that allows the fluid to be released from the penis, be placed surgically into the body. This is implanted under the groin muscles and there is also a pump that sits under the loose skin of the scrotal sac in between the testicles as well. Once the implant is inserted a man will not be able to have a natural erection. He will only be able to obtain an erection by pressing the pump. If the implant is removed a natural erection is not likely.

Penile Implant Surgery

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction don't give up hope because there are options.

If you decide to choose one of the options available like one of the tablets or the surgery, make sure you do your research to determine which option is the best option for you.

Hopefully, once you decide you and your partner will be able to get your love life back on track.


Can Hypnosis Help with Erectile Dysfunction?

Befuddled by the ability to achieve erection and orgasm when solitary but having difficulty when with a partner? Often times this relevant yet taboo subject matter’s source is that of anticipatory anxiety. Being nervous or stressed about being nervous or stressed and fearing rejection from a new or established partner. There are many reasons why a male may have difficulty in achieving an erection. Health issues such as diabetes, pulmonary disease, heart disease, and other disorders or diseases that restrict blood flow to the penis. The lifestyle choice of smoking can also contribute to erectile dysfunction. It is important to first rule out any health related issues that may be hindering your sexual performance. Once you have had your health cleared by a licensed medical doctor perhaps it is time to explore possible subconscious blockages that may prevent full arousal in intimate situations. If there isn’t any physical or emotional trauma that has created the dysfunction, more than likely it can be attributed to anxiety.

Can hypnosis help ED

How can you determine whether you are suffering from anticipatory anxiety in a sexual context?

1.       You have an established partner where some form of rejection was perceived and now you feel anxious regarding performance.
2.       You have had 0-2 episodes of erectile dysfunction. But you have a new sexual partner and fear not being able to perform.
3.       You are extremely attracted to your new partner and don’t wish to disappoint. The fear of rejection creates a subconscious blockage resulting in premature discharge or loss of the erection.

Can Hypnosis Cure ED

The solution? Using hypnosis to discover subconscious blockages and develop new identifications and associations to create a successful sexual experience with your partner. Hypnosis is also a successful means to release fear or phobic response, create confidence, disable triggers and lower stress response. The skills that you learn in your session(s) can apply to other areas of your life as well.
