Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why Sex is an Important Overall Component of a Healthy Lifestyle

If you went by how the media portrays sex, you could easily be misled on why sex is such a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. In the media and on television and the internet, sex is often portrayed for arousal only as a tool for sales. From pornography to nudity and lust, sex is often portrayed as something many might consider taboo. On the other side of the coin you have Viagra commercials and now a new women's Viagra. This represents the other side of the spectrum, which deals with curing dysfunction.

Aerobic Exercise Can Help Boost Your Metabolism

However, what the media often fails to do is identify why sex is such a crucial overall component of a healthy lifestyle and how it can help assist you in your weight loss and fitness goals. Here's a look at some of the most healthy benefits of sex.

Weight Loss

It's great that you are on a fitness regimen that entails exercise and cardiovascular conditioning, both of which will help you to burn calories, but having sex several times a week can make your calorie expenditure that much greater and better overall if you're somebody who wants to lose weight.

Aerobic Conditioning

Sex is definitely an aerobic exercise. Depending on how good you are at it, it can be high aerobic or even anaerobic, which can help boost your metabolism. This is good for the cardiovascular system and overall conditioning.

Body Fat Loss

Stress leads to the buildup of cortisol, which makes it very difficult for the body to burn fat efficiently. Cortisol is one of the main reasons why many people have difficulty ridding of fat. Stress relief is the surest way to reduce cortisol and prevent cortisol increases, and one of the surest ways to do this is to have good sex.

Feel Good Endorphins

Sex is known to boost brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters that make you feel good, particularly serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Since mental health is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle, this is another healthy benefit sex can have for you. Getting these chemicals going has numerous benefits for the brain and body.


Oxytocin is a well known hormone associated with sex that also leads to natural feelings of euphoria and happiness. It is most commonly triggered after orgasms and very associated with feelings of love and belonging. The more oxytocin you can experience, the better you will feel and more happy you will be.


Depending on what positions you enjoy, sex can also strengthen the muscles. Many positions require squatting or positioning the body like a push up. Some other positions require movements similar to dips and bicep curls. The abdominals are always working hard, as well as the hips so sex is a great way to strengthen the abs and help achieve a six pack.

Strength to Improve Sexual Wellness


Despite many common taboos still associated with sex today and the media's portrayal of sex exclusively as a sales tool, it is actually a key component of an overall healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy active sex life can work wonders for your fitness goals, levels of happiness, and daily life satisfaction.


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