Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Try Meditation if You Want to Stay Young in Mind Even as You Age

Many natural health care enthusiasts appreciate the benefits of meditating to help them relax without drugs. The actual benefits of meditation may go even further than that. UCLA Newsroom reported on Feb. 5, 2015, meditation may help you stay stay young by slowing the age associated loss of gray matter in the brain.
Mindfulness Meditation

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It's good news that life expectancy has risen dramatically around the world since 1970. However, a serious problem often confronted by people living longer is that believe it or not when people are in their mid-to-late-20s the human brain begins to decrease in volume and weight. This means the brain may lose some of its functional abilities as people age.

Therefore as people age there may be an increased risk for mental illness and neurodegenerative diseases. It has often been reported that good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate rest can help people maintain a highly functioning brain as they age. A new study shows that meditation may also help people to maintain healthy brains as they age.

This study has been published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. People who value their lives generally strive for ways to remain young in mind as they age. Researchers have found that long-term meditation has age-defying effects on gray matter atrophy in the brain.

Based Benefits of Meditation

The potential of meditation to help preserve our aging brains and minds is really an exciting finding. It should therefore also be kept in mind that as the Citizens Commission on Human Rights points out psychiatry is a destructive discipline and the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs literally generally causes serious harm to the brain and other vital body organs. Therefore if you really want to live a long life and remain healthy in body and mind while adding meditation to your daily natural health care regimen remember to try to stay away from psychiatrists. The psychiatrists will only counter all of the benefits which a firm commitment to natural health care has to offer for the body, mind and spirit.


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