Monday, September 9, 2019

Faking orgasms: Why it is only hurting the faker

Shirley, in Lexington, KY, writes about a common issue, especially for women:

“Is there anything wrong with faking orgasms? Sometimes I do it to make him feel good, and sometimes I do it just so we can be done already.”

If You're Faking Orgasms, Your Partner Might Dump You

Well, no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with faking orgasms – so long as you don’t like them or ever want to have them with this partner again. Now, unfortunately, it’s pretty common for women to fake orgasms, and as with Shirley, they often do this in an attempt to save their partners feelings. However, in the long run, all that’s doing is hurting you, the faker. If you are spending all this time trying to convince your man that he is a stud in bed, when it turns out that’s not exactly the truth, that time could be better spent by teaching him what you do like so that you can both have a much more mutually enjoyable sex life. So, while it may hurt his feeling a little bit, it’s best in the long run to show him what you like, rather than pretend that things are going better than they are. That way you can both have orgasms – no faking necessary. Good luck!

Why Women are Faking Orgasms


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