Friday, September 27, 2019

How to become a faster runner

Whether you've been running for a few weeks or a few years, you are likely wondering how you can become a faster runner -- especially if you've hit the race scene. Luckily, with some hard work and a few key strategies, you can add some more speed to your legs and make your times faster than ever before. Check out these six ways that you can become a faster runner.

Hit the track

Hit the track

The most logical way to gain speed? Hit the track. It's no secret that if you run sprints, even for short distances, it will make you faster for the long run. Track workouts can be as simple as repeats, like 200m repeats with 30 second rest between each or more complex like ladder workouts, where you build up and down from 100m to 800m. Keep your muscles healthy and happy with a warm up and cool down.

Head to the hills

Hills give your entire body a workout and as a result, help you build strength. This strength translates into speed. Choose a hilly route to tackle once or twice a week; or dedicate one day a week to run a big hill near your favorite running area. It will be hard at first, but you'll see noticeable improvements in the workout -- and other runs -- in no time.

Focus on strength training

To truly be a fast runner, you need to build muscles other than those used directly during running. Having strong arm and core muscles can help you body battle fatigue and win. Spend a few days a week in the gym to lift weights or focus on core workouts.

Take a rest day

It may seem counterintuitive that the best way to get faster is by not running, but it's the truth! Your muscles need time to repair and recover after runs. Give yourself a break and let your body recover itself -- spend the day catching up on your favorite books or relaxing on the couch.

Cut back on races

Signing up for race after race becomes an addiction -- especially when each one sounds like you can't miss it this time around. Racing can be quite taxing and difficult on your body, and with a sequence of races, it never gets a chance to truly recover and rest. Make sure you give it that break by limiting the number of races you run, particularly if you are focused on becoming a faster runner.

Build in fartleks

Saying fartleks may make you giggle like a 12-year-old boy, but they are worth more than that. The funny word actually means "speed play" in Swedish, and the workout operates just like that -- it's a mix of both running and sprinting, in predefined intervals, to help you gain speed. For instance, you could aim to run 8 miles and mix sprinting for one minute with 30 seconds rest for half of the distance.
Build in Fartleks

In addition, fartleks can also be used by newer runners to build up their running fitness. Fartleks are particularly fun because you can do them while you are out on the road and don't need a track to get them done.

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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Beginner runner ? How to start a running plan

As a new runner, the running community can seem welcoming, but overwhelming. Fartlek? LSD ? "Only" 10 miles ? Who are these people?

The good news is that it doesn't take long before you are talking just like all the other runners that you encounter. With the right running plan, you can train yourself from no fitness to run a 5k or even a 10k.
How Often Should Beginners Run

Before you start a running plan, there are a few things that you need to know:

Ø  It takes time. Unfortunately, you won't gain fitness over night. It will take weeks, and possibly months. Embrace it and focus on what the bigger picture looks like -- whether it's to run a race or just to gain a new hobby.

Ø  Running is hard. It might be hard to believe that everyone has bad running days, when all you hear about (and see on social media) are the great moments that people have. But, no matter how long you've been running, there will be those days that your run is a struggle and all you can think about is finishing. Pushing through builds up your mental strength for future runs.

Ø  Pace yourself. In terms of running and your training plan, you need to pace yourself. When you are starting out running, it may seem like going for 10 minutes at a time won't get you anywhere, but it will. When you are running, pay attention to the paces on your training plan and don't overdo it -- it will make you more successful in the long run.

To start a running plan, you need to take into consideration a few factors. How much time do you have to dedicate to running each week? How many days can you work out? What are you big picture goals? What do you want to accomplish in the short term?

Once you have answers to these questions, you can construct your running plan. It's best to work with a certified running coach to ensure that you are building up at the right pace and setting yourself up for success. However, most running plans will include two or three rest days, along with four or five days to work out.

For someone just building up their fitness, here is a sample of a walk-run training plan:

Ø  Monday: Walk for 15 minutes
Ø  Tuesday: Run for two minutes / walk for two minutes; repeat three times
Ø  Wednesday: Walk for 15 minutes
Ø  Thursday: Rest day or cross-training
Ø  Friday: Run for two minutes / walk for two minutes; repeat three times
Ø  Saturday: Walk for 15 minutes
Ø  Sunday: Rest day or cross-training
Running Plan for Beginners Group Runners Start Running Today

Why you need to eat before a morning run

If you are a morning runner, it seems like all you need to do is jump in your clothes (unless you sleep in them), stretch and head out the door to hit the road for your daily sweat session.

Should I Eat Breakfast Before An Early Morning Run

Think again.

Before you lace up your shoes, make sure you are fueling properly for the run that you have in front of you. While you were sleeping, you may have not been doing any activity -- but your body was busy. As a result, it depleted much of the energy in your system. In fact, researchers have found that your liver glycogen can drop as much as 50 percent while you sleep.

Liver glycogen serves as the main source of fuel for your body when you are running and when it's depleted, it can lead to you feeling exhausted -- impacting the quality of your run. This is why most marathon runners will tell you that the marathon isn't half over until you reach mile 20, which is when the body's muscles tend to run out of their glycogen stores.

The best way to fight this depletion comes from a quick bit of fuel in the morning before you head out for your run. For easy morning runs, all you need is about 100 calories of fuel, best served in some Gatorade or energy chews, like the PROBAR Bolt. Longer runs will require a bit more investment in your fueling strategy, and might require some carbs from a bagel or other food option.

However, finding the best fuel for your body and your running needs will take some time. As frustrating as it may be, this will often take place in a form of "trial and error," where you will have to see how your body reacts, while running, to the various fuel that you put into your body.

The Worst Foods to Eat Before Running

Either way, take a few extra seconds to grab some proper fuel before your next morning run. Your body will thank you.

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alzheimer's disease: Does it begin in the mouth?

Poor oral hygiene has long been associated with coronary heart disease, but is there a connection between bad brushing habits and Alzheimer's disease? Scientists seem to believe there is.

Although hygiene habits as a whole tend to suffer in Alzheimer's patients, dental tartar is now being identified as a possible pathogenic cause of amyloid plaque formation, a classic symptom of Alzheimer's disease, in the brain. Researchers now theorize that these amyloid plaques may form as a defense response to bacterial intrusion in the brain.

Signs of Gum Disease

The brain has one of the most effective defense systems in the human body, namely, the blood brain barrier, which prevents pathogens and other substances from crossing over into brain tissues; however, there are still certain pathways that allow entry into the brain, like the olfactory and trigeminal nerves. Oral treponema bacteria found on the trigeminal nerves in cadavers showed that bacterial invasion via nerve pathways was possible; researchers believe that this increased permeability in the blood brain barrier may result in a thickening of proteins around the neural pathways of the brain, similar to how arterial plaque develops in arteries.

Additionally, certain markers in Alzheimer's patients' blood work, like Interleukin-6, were found to be considerably higher than non-dementia patients. Interleukin-6 is strongly associated with the production of the amyloid proteins that make up Alzheimer's lesions.

Of all periodontal bacteria, P. gingivalis is believed to be the key pathogen with the ability to bypass inflammatory signalling cascades, which are alarm systems that tissues have been compromised by an invading substance. Once P. gingivalis has snuck past that watchdog, other pathogens can follow, creating inflammation in the brain, and eventually, dementia.

Dental Health: The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

lthough the oral hygiene/Alzheimer's connection hasn't been thoroughly researched, there is strong reason to believe that the simple action of brushing and flossing one's teeth may prevent Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia caused by amyloid plaques.


How to treat your sunburn

No one intentionally seeks out to get sunburned, even the best tanned people are not looking for a sunburn so sunburn care is a must. A sunburn is a definite sign that your skin has acquired too many ultra-violet rays for the day, maybe even for a few days.

Most people acquire their sunburn on what seem to be partially cloudy or hazy days.
Rule of thumb is if there is a shadow there is sun that can do damage from prolonged exposure.
Excessive exposure will cause your skin to burn depending on your skin type, the place and the time of day and the atmospheric conditions.

Aloe Vera use for Sunburn

Burns are classified in three degrees:

a)      First degree sunburn reddens the skin and it is very tender to the touch and you may experience chills in the evening.

b)      Second degree sunburn causes skin reddening and you also have water blisters now. A sign the skin is trying to protect itself.

c)       Third degree sunburn requires immediate care and causes lower skin cell damage and the release of fluids that result in eruptions and breaks in the skin where infection could possibly set up.

Number one safety tip is to apply your sun block before you go outdoors , many children and people even get sunburns just riding in a car on trips.

If you are participating in activities that make you sweat or you are in the water apply at regular intervals.

The best home remedy for sunburns is a big bottle of healing and soothing aloe kept in your refrigerator if you have active outdoors people in your home or you are vacationing. Applied regularly throughout the day as you feel pain or severe drying. Switch to lotion with aloe once the pain and blisters gone.

For healthy healing:

Ø  Calcium and Magnesium reduces stress and inflammation on tissues and skin.
Ø  Kelp or Potassium to replace what was lost
Ø  Vitamin A destroys free radicals that cause aging
Ø  Vitamin E taken internally and applied topically aids in tissue repair and scarring
Ø  Vitamin C for healing and scarring
Ø  Silicon and Zinc repairs and restores connective tissues (needed to prevent sagging skin in later years)

Sunburn Skin for Man

Gentle reminder: Sunburn care-sunhats with a wide brim to protect your face, ears and neck to protect where most skin problems show up first.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Allergy Relief: How to tell the difference between goldenrod and ragweed

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and hay fever, Master Gardener Donna Katsuranis demystifies the difference between good goldenrod and bad ragweed. Both bloom at about the same time, but goldenrod will not produce allergic reaction in most people, whereas ragweed will. How to tell the difference so you can avoid allergies from ragweed.


One of the big culprits during allergy season is nasty ragweed. But happy goldenrod is often confused for the allergy causing ragweed. So how do you know which plant you've got, ragweed or goldenrod?

Connecticut Master Gardener Donna Katsuranis shows you how to tell the difference between good goldenrod and bad ragweed.

How to avoid allergies by ditching ragweed

Even the names sound like what they are. Goldenrod has pretty golden flowers and heavy pollen that does not fly around very much. bees and birds love it.

Ragweed, however, sends its pollen into the wind to reproduce, where it causes many more problems for allergy sufferers.

To avoid a pollen allergy, know your goldenrod from your ragweed. One is pretty and not so bad for your allergies (goldenrod), the other is like sticking your face in asbestos-laden fiberglass (ragweed).

This short video shows you how to tell your goldenrod from your ragweed.

If you suffer from allergies, grow the goldenrod and ditch the ragweed. Learning how to tell the difference between goldenrod and ragweed can be between the difference between growing a beautiful garden and cultivating a face full of sneeze.


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Mysterious raised bumps on elbows rash outbreak is causing alarm

A mysterious rash, raised bumps, skin color to red, sometimes itchy and/or painful, appearing on mostly on elbows, but also on hands, knees, forehead, and other parts of the body and is getting people worried.

Is it contagious?

Dermatologists have noticed more adults and children coming in with the elbow bump rash and prescribing steroids but it does not help the condition at all. Doctors and dermatologists both are misdiagnosing the "rash" as eczema, psoriasis and shingles. It is not either of these skin conditions and patients are coming away frustrated.

Elbows Rashes 

Holistic doctors have found by studying their patients that the mysterious rash is a reaction to eating gluten and the rash is an often over lookesd symptom of Celiac Disease. The skin rash is also know as "Celiac Disease Rash," or "The Gluten Rash," but its proper name is Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Dermatitis Herpetoformis can form any where on the body but the areas most noted are the elbows, hands, knees, back and buttocks, it causes itching, tingling and pain, especially when leaned on.

Before the rash actually breaks out it is extremely itchy in the area, depending on the area it leads some people and doctors to think it is a dry skin condition and that simply applying lotion is the answer or steroid creams. The rash may come and go, it may itch or feel like it's burning. The rash is small to medium sized bumps, red or skin colored that appear as if they could have fluid under them but the skin does not look like a blister. Once the bumps heal a light red rash can be noticed and slight purple marks where the actual bumps were that heal over time.

Doctors have also been prescribing Dapasone for the "rash" and many patients are finding some relief from the itching, but the best relief is a change in your diet to that avoids gluten. Patients only about 20-25%, get the rash with the Celiac Disease. The skin is biopsied in-office by taking a small skin sample. Celiac blood tests are also available.

Celiac disease is triggered by eating protein found in wheat, barley or rye, which cause an immune response in the small intestine when eaten. Gluten can be found in pizza crust, breads, pasta, bagels, pretzels, cereals, chips and alcoholic beverages and candy and even more food products. People with a sensitivity to gluten suffer damage over time to the inner surface of the small intestine and have an inability to absorb (malabsorption) valuable nutrients: vitamins and minerals that are needed for the body, that deprive the brain, liver, periphereal nervous system, bones and other organs that can lead to other serious complications such as osteoporosis.

Symptoms of Celiac Disease are stomach pain and diarrhea, depression, some suffer from constipation, anemia, fatigue and skin conditions, severe menstrual cramping, bones and other organ problems, hormones, infertility, and joints, but you can have the disease with out any overt symptoms.
Dermatitis Herpetiformis Celiac Disease

The gluten-free diet is the best control of your skin rash, it will not go away immediately, after all you have been eating this way for your whole life and it will take some time to completely cleanse your system of the gluten that can be impacted in the creases of your intestines. Cleanses and detoxing can quicken your healing.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Drinking carbonated beverages could kill you

It appears that consuming carbonated drinks may be associated with heart attacks. The European Society of Cardiology reported on Sept. 1, 2015, carbonated drinks have been found to be associated with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest which is of cardiac origin. It is implied by the results of this study that limiting the consumption of carbonated beverages may prove to be beneficial for your health.

Drinking Carbonated Beverages Could Kill You

Principal investigator Professor Keijiro Saku, Dean and professor of cardiology at Fukuoka University in Japan, says a positive correlation has been found between the consumption of soft drinks and the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke in some epidemiologic studies. It has been observed in other studies that there is a decreased risk and mortality of CVD with consumption of green tea and coffee.

It has been known that there is an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and CVD with consumption of carbonated beverages, or sodas. This study has raised considerations of an association between drinking large quantities of carbonated beverages and fatal CVD or out-of-hospital cardiac arrests which are of cardiac origin. Professor Saku says that clearly beverage habits may have an impact on risk of fatal CVD.

The University Herald reports that soft drinks have been linked to heart attacks and stroke. Japanese researchers who have discovered this association say that placing a limit on the consumption of carbonated beverages decreases the risk of health problems. Although the association between carbonated beverage consumption and heart attacks has not been found to be causal it remains significant that drinking too much carbonated beverages could harm your health and even cost you your life.
Soda Health Risks: Drinking Soda Is Bad for Your Health

Ten easy cures for diarrhea

I recently came home from an amazing overseas trip only to find myself riding the “porcelain express” for days with a bad case of traveler's diarrhea (TD), so I decided to research some healthy, easy remedies for the annoying symptoms of diarrhea. If you're like most Americans, you'll suffer about once or twice this year: frequent, watery bowel movements that may be accompanied by cramps or nausea. To help you cope with this uncomfortable and unpleasant distraction, try these ten easy home cures:

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Drink Teas For Diarrhea Relief

1: Stay Hydrated

You can lose a lot of liquid in diarrhea, but you also lose electrolytes, minerals such as sodium and potassium that are important for your body. Over-the-counter electrolyte replacement formulas like Rehydralyte are available without a prescription, or simply sports drinks like Gatorade can be used. Some juices are good, but stay away from prune, apple and pear juices because they can make your condition worse. Make sure to consume at least 8 cups of fluids, including water, to replace fluids you lose. Avoid coffee or alcohol! Caffeine jump-starts your intestines, and that’s a definite no when you have diarrhea.

2: Take OTC Medicine

Stopping the runs with an over-the-counter (OTC) medication isn’t the best thing for your body, since the diarrhea usually is body is trying to rid itself of a nasty bug. If you do feel it's necessary, Pepto-Bismol is probably the safest OTC antidiarrheal medicine and it seems to have a mild antibacterial effect. Another OTC medicine that works faster and longer is Imodium A-D (Loperamide), which slows down the gut. It provides quick, temporary relief by reducing muscle spasms in your gastrointestinal tract, slowing the transit time through your digestive system. Absorbents like Loperamide can bind medications and interfere with their absorption into the body so take several hours before taking your vitamins or meds. You shouldn’t take these more than 48 hours. After that, call your doctor, since antidiarrheal medication will stop your body from performing its own natural defense mechanism and will often lead to a prolonged illness and a weakening of your body’s defenses.

3: Eat Yogurt

Millions of friendly bacteria (probiotics) reside in our intestines to assist digestion. A bout of diarrhea upsets the normal balance of these valuable organisms. Many yogurts with live cultures provide you with protection—make sure to check the labeling. If you've already got diarrhea, yogurt assists in the production of lactic acid in your intestines, which can kill off the nasty bacteria and get you feeling healthier, faster. You can also find these in dairy drinks supplemented with probiotic organisms, as well as capsules, powders, and liquids like kefir.

4: Avoid Certain Foods

Avoid dairy products (except yogurt) while you have diarrhea as well as for a week after it stops. The small intestine, where milk is digested, is put in overdrive by diarrhea and simply won't function as well for a while. Also avoid sweets, both with sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stay away from fried foods or high-fiber foods. These are nearly impossible for your tummy to handle right now. It's probably a good idea to avoid oatmeal, since it's high in fiber, and your intestines can't tolerate more bulk during a bout with diarrhea.

5: Eat Starchy Foods

Starchy foods, such as white rice or tapioca cereals, can help ease your gut. The thicker the better. Just avoid adding too much sugar, syrup or salt, as these can aggravate diarrhea. Potatoes are another starchy food that will restore nutrients and comfort your stomach. That doesn’t include French fries since fried foods tend to aggravate an aching tummy. Other root vegetables like carrots (cooked) are also easy on the tummy, and loaded with nutrients. A yummy alternative is to eat boiled sweet potatoes.

6: Drink Tea

Chamomile tea, used to help you sleep, is great for treating intestinal inflammation because of its antispasmodic properties. A 2009 study, chamomile was found to inhibit the growth of a species of bacteria called Campylobacter jejuni (one of the most common causes of enteric infections resulting in severe diarrhea). Brew yourself a cup of chamomile tea from packaged tea bags and steep some peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Drink 3 cups a day. Orange peel tea is another folk remedy that is believed to aid in digestion. Place a chopped orange peel (preferably from an organic orange, as peels otherwise may contain nasty pesticides) into a pot and cover with 1 pint boiling water. Let it steep until the water is cooled. You can lightly sweeten it with sugar or honey. Ginger tea can stop cramps and pain. Or take ginger in capsules. If you don’t feel like leaving the house to buy these teas, just grab some regular black tea. The tannins in ordinary black tea have an anti-diarrheal effect.

7: Get Rest

Try resting in bed and just veg out in front of the TV or with a good book. Your body should rid itself of the diarrhea in three days or less and the added rest will help boost your immune system and get you up back and running. A heating pad on your tummy may also help relieve abdominal cramps.

8: Try Blueberries or Carrots

Dried blueberries have been used as a folk remedy for diarrhea for ages. Blueberries contain anthocyanosides, which has antioxidant as well as antibacterial properties as well as tannins, which combat diarrhea. In Sweden, doctors prescribe a soup made with dried blueberries for stomach ailments. Carrots naturally contain beneficial electrolytes and minerals that are lost during diarrhea. Nibbling on fresh carrots may lessen the symptoms and speed up the recovery time.

9: Squeeze some lemons

Said to soothe irritation in the intestines, lemon juice is an easy home remedy. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice n a large glass of water three to five times a day will kill off the pathogens causing the diarrhea. For prevention in case there is a stomach virus going around, take 1-2 tablespoons of juice before meals.

10: Take Fenugreek Seeds

Because of the high mucilage content found in the fenugreek seeds, it is considered a useful natural cure for diarrhea. The seeds husks absorb water resulting in bulkier stool. Mix 1/2-teaspoon fenugreek seeds with water and drink up.

Avoid Certain Foods When You Have Diarrhea

With these safe home remedies, you should be able to significantly reduce the severity and discomfort of diarrhea. If you have chronic, or long-term, diarrhea that comes on suddenly and stays for weeks, you may have a more serious condition, so be sure to see a doctor.


Lowering blood pressure for older adults could be lifesaving

Researchers by scientists at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute have concluded that the best lifesaving information for people 50-years old and up is to keep their blood pressure down below levels recommended just a few years ago. While earlier studies issued guidelines suggesting a systolic reading (the high number which measures pressure exerted by the blood while the heart is pumping) of 140 for healthy adults, and 130 for those with diabetes, the new findings state that both should maintain systolic pressure of 120 in order to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure (aka hypertension) is the leading factor for heart attack stroke and kidney disease. The lower number, or diastolic reading measures the blood pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.
Lower Blood Pressure for Better Health

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It has been shown that high blood pressure over time (not just a single episode) will result in thickening of the arteries,” according to Dr. Richard Schlofmitz, chairman of cardiology at St. Francis Hospital in Flower Hill, NY. He also added that although arteries naturally thicken as people age, hypertension can “exacerbate the problem.”

Although the NHLB Institute study was slated to continue for another year, Dr. Lawrence Fine, chief of clinical applications and prevention said that they decided to close the clinical research project a year ahead of schedule after concluding they had enough information and evidence that proved “treating blood pressure to lower standards in older and high-risk patients can be beneficial.”

Note: In addition to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) hypertension is often precipitated by high cholesterol as well as smoking cigarettes, stress, obesity, high sodium intake, and substance abuse (both alcohol and drugs), as well as certain medications (including contraceptives) and high water retention.
New Study on Blood Pressure Lower is Better For Life


Today’s college kids smoking more pot than cigarettes

Marijuana use among U.S. college students is the highest since 1980, according to findings from a national survey released Sept. 1. For the first time in 35 years, kids on campuses around the country are smoking more marijuana than cigarettes, the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future study found.

Study results showed that daily or near-daily marijuana use was reported by 5.9 percent of college students in 2014, up from 3.5 percent in 2007. That means one in every 17 college kids is smoking pot nearly every day.
College Students Smoke Pot Daily than Cigarettes

It’s clear that for the past seven or eight years there has been an increase in marijuana use among the nation’s college students,” principal investigator Lloyd Johnston, PhD, a researcher at the University of Michigan, said in a university news release. “This largely parallels an increase we have been seeing among high school seniors,he added.

Johnston and his colleagues theorize that the increase in marijuana smoking may stem from the fact that its use at any level has come to be seen as dangerous by fewer adolescents and young adults. They also point to the legalization of the drug in states across the country as a reason for changing attitudes. In 2006, 55 percent of all 19-to-22-year-old high school graduates thought regular marijuana use dangerous. That number fell to 35 percent in 2014.

If college students are changing their minds about the dangers of pot, they have also shifted their thoughts about cigarette smoking. Only 5 percent reported smoking cigarettes on a daily or near-daily basis, compared with 19 percent in 1999.

These declines in cigarette smoking at colleges are largely the result of fewer of these students smoking when they were still in high school,” Johnston explained. “Nevertheless, it is particularly good news that their smoking rates have fallen so substantially.

There is, however, a downside. The decline in cigarette smoking has given rise to increased use of other tobacco and nicotine products, including hookahs and e-cigarettes.

The researchers also looked at the use of illicit drugs other than marijuana and discovered a significant increase. College kids’ use of these drugs jumped from 15 percent in 2008 to 21 percent by 2014. According to the news release, the increase is attributable “mostly to students’ increased use of amphetamines (without doctor’s orders) and use of ecstasy.”

Cocaine use also showed a statistically significant increase over a 12-month period. Use of the drug went from 2.7 percent in 2013 to 4.4 percent in 2014.Still, the researches are not ready to draw any conclusions about its use.

We are being cautious in interpreting this one-year increase, which we do not see among high school students; but we do see some increase in cocaine use in other young adult bands, so there may be in fact an increase in cocaine use beginning to occur, Johnston said.

However, use of other illicit drugs – narcotics, heroin, prescription painkillers and tranquilizers – was found to be on the decline. The study authors noted that use of heroin has been very low among college students over the past five years or so – falling to numbers lower than they were in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Marijuana use by U.S. college students up, highest in 35 years

o parents sending children off to college this fall, Johnston offered some encouragement. “There is some welcome news … five out of every 10 college students have not used any illicit drugs in the past year, and more than three-quarters have not used any in the prior month,” he said.


Monday, September 16, 2019

Loud music puts a billion young people at risk for deafness

We all love our iPods and MP3 players. But recently a great number of audiologists have signaled the warning that the decibel level at which young people, that is those in the age range of 12 to 35, are increasingly at risk for going deaf.

The World Health Organization recently published a study which concluded that “1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of personal audio devices.” Add to that the threat posed by excessively loud concerts and other venues, like sporting events, dance clubs and bars, and it creates a perfect storm of conditions to deprive young people of their hearing very early in life.

One billion young at risk of hearing loss from loud music

Although the study was completed in February, the news only made it to the media this week. All the major main stream media outlets ran stories about the WHO findings. Until recently deafness was a problem for children in underdeveloped who were susceptible to ear infections which if not treated properly lead to diminished hearing and even deafness.

But now the problem of deafness in young people has moved to the richest most developed nations. In 2014 the National Institutes of Health published a warning about what it called “noise induced hearing loss.” Few paid any attention to the warning until the media picked up on the findings of WHO.

It all goes back to decibel levels
The WHO study, and most of the media coverage, has zeroed in on ear buds as a leading culprit of hearing loss. Unlike older ear phones which covered the ear, the newer ear buds sit directly in the ear canal. The closer the proximity to the stereocilia, the little hairs that ultimately carry electrical signals to the brain, the more quickly the stereocilia is damaged. Once damaged, hearing loss is likely to be permanent.

According to most experts, including WHO and the NIH, 85 decibels is the safest, loud level at which sound should be transmitted. 85 decibels is approximately the sound of heavy traffic. An MP3 player at maximum volume can generate over 100 decibels which is comparable to concerts, dance clubs and sporting events.

Even everyday items should be considered dangerous. Ear protection is recommended before using a lawn mower, leaf blower or even riding a motorcycle.

Timing is also critical

While the decibel level indicates sounds which may cause damage, one must also put the amount of exposure time into the equation. A short burst of sound, say a firecracker or a gun firing, has a high decibel level, but it may be less damaging then long time exposure to sounds with slightly lower decibel levels. WHO recommends that at 85 decibels, exposure to the sound should be limited to 8 hours a day.

Perhaps the most troubling problem will be disconnecting young people from ear buds which are used continually during the day and even worn to bed at night.

Apple and other manufacturers have offered apps which allow parents to set decibel levels on phone and audio players. But even with levels set low, there should be frequent breaks from the constant sound.

The WHO estimates that throughout the world at least 350 million people have “moderate to profound hearing loss.” Almost half of these are a result of disease or genetic conditions. But 50% of the remaining hearing losses are deemed avoidable.

1 Billion Young At Risk Of Hearing Loss From Loud Music

Education as to the dangers must be made available soon and regularly before an entire generation losses the ability to hear.


Lesser known signs of depression

Most people know the typical signs of depression. They know that depression leads to hopeless, lack of energy, lack of interest in doing the things we once loved to do, shutting ourselves off from the world, feeling gloomy all the time and sometimes getting suicidal thoughts. However there are some signs that are surprising and not usually associated with depression; yet they are.

Reckless shopping

For some people impulse shopping in retail stores and on the internet can bring instant relief. Retail therapy can bring momentary joy and a boosted self esteem. However the temporary joy goes away and the old feelings of depression come back. Only now there is the added anxiety of paying the bills if the items were charged or finding that breaking the budget causes great anxiety and unneeded worry.
signs of depression


Excessive drinking can also provide a temporary feeling of joy “self medicating” but in the long run it is not an effective way to handle depression. Alcohol is a depressant and some people become even more moody and depressed when they are drinking. Drowning out your sorrows doesn’t work for very long.
 “Being depressed doubles your risk of smoking. Heavy smoking – more than a pack a day – and having a cigarette within 5 minutes of waking are common habits among smokers who are depressed, according to the CDC. While depressed smokers are less likely to quit; they can. Quitting programs that use techniques similar to those used to treat depression, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or antidepressant medications, seem to help.”


Apparently a third of people who suffer from depression turn to shoplifting. The reason for shoplifting in these cases are not necessarily the items lifted, but the thrill of shoplifting and the power or feeling of importance in getting away with it. This is the real joy in this reckless behavior.


Gambling too can provide a great rush of adrenaline. However, that quickly wears off and when depressed people gamble excessively they become even more depressed when they realize how much they have lost.

Faulty memory

Being forgetful is not always age related, nor is it necessarily a symptom of alzheimer disease. It can be related to depression. Depression and stress can elevate the production of cortisol which can shrink the brain and affect our memory and our ability to learn. Depression linked memory loss worsens as we get older. Treating the depression can improve the memory.


One would not think that using the internet in this day and age would not be a sign of depression, but excessive internet use is. Spending all your time in virtual reality means that you are cutting off your real time social life. Like alcohol, excessive internet use is a form of drowning out your sorrows. Studies have shown that depressed people spend lots of time on games, social sites, or pornographic sites.

Obesity or binge eating

A 2010 study from the University of Alabama found that young adults who report being depressed tended to gain weight more around their waist -- a risk for heart disease. Other studies have linked depression with binge eating, particularly in middle-age people. Treating depression can help treat these problems.”

Not taking care of yourself

The signs of depression show through when the behavior is obvious such not taking a bath or shower when needed, not brushing you hair, or wearing clean clothes. However, not taking care of yourself can point to subtle behaviors such as not buckling your seat belt, reckless driving, not making or missing medical appointments, or letting the household chores pile up.

Back pain

Who would think that back pain can be associated with depression. Back pain can put you at risk for depression and now studies are showing that people who are depressed were depressed before the back pain kicked in. Unfortunately, the depression is often ignored or goes undetected because the doctor’s are concentrating on the physical reasons for back pain.

Reckless sexual behavior

One would normally associate depression with a lower sex drive. Yet, the opposite can also be true. “Some people use sex to cope with depression or stress. Increased promiscuity, infidelity, sexual obsession, and high-risk behavior such as unsafe sex can all be signs of depression. And they can have serious, negative effects on health and in your personal life.”

Extreme Moods

Depressed people often have flat emotions. They appear to be numb or emotionless. However the depression can create extreme or exaggerated emotions and feelings of hopelessness, worry, sadness or fear. Oftentime the exaggerated moods will be a strong indicator that depression has set in.

Mild Depression

Identifying the symptoms can facilitate treatment and public awareness about depression and its toll on humanity.

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