Saturday, July 20, 2019

What to eat AFTER pregnancy

After all the food sacrifices during pregnancy what’s the one thing you’re craving? Coffee? A glass of wine? Some yummy un-pasteurized cheese you’ve been passing up in the deli case?
There are a few foods you should eat in abundance right after pregnancy; these will help your body heal, help you relax, and are loaded with nutrients for your body and for the baby’s when your breast feeding.

But if you’re looking for one food, just one, that is completely nutritious, perfectly proportioned with vitamins and minerals and is ready to eat you should look to …. Cantaloupe (or rock melons, sweet melons, honey dew or Persian melon).


The reason cantaloupe is such a perfect post pregnancy food is because of all the vitamins and minerals it contains. Cantaloupe is a fruit that has a sweet fleshy interior, an orange color and contains seeds. The orange color of the cantaloupe, like carrots, orange bell peppers or sweet potatoes, is an indication of the beta carotene it contains, which is so important for the eyes and nerve cells. Cantaloupe has more than your daily allowance of vitamins A, C, B, K, Niacin and Folate. These vitamins work together to provide immunity for the body; vitamins A, C and folate, they provide energy for the nerve cells; vitamins B and niacin and promote blood clotting; vitamin K.

In terms of minerals cantaloupe has a ton of powerful one too; potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. These help to regulate bone growth, keep the cells in your heart and lungs working properly and helps kidneys regulate water retention and discharge. These minerals in cantaloupes are found in such a high quantity they meet the daily requirements.

Cantaloupe also has a ton of natural carbohydrates and insoluble fiber prefect for a morning breakfast when you need a fast and filling dish.

The benefits of cantaloupes are endless; they have a scant amount of omega-3 and omega -6 fatty acids and zero fat and zero cholesterol.

Childbirth is an amazing time, and a challenging one too. Your body which was supporting the baby is going through a major withdraw and change while your hormones and dropping and emotions are rising. For example you’ve produced an amazing amount of blood for the baby through the placenta and now that the baby’s born what happens to it? Support your body as it deals with the excess with cantaloupe, the potassium and magnesium will balance the remaining cells.

Iron-Rich Foods After Prregnancy

Cantaloupe is so easy to cut and serve; its taste is loved universally and its health benefits are waiting for you. If you’ve just given birth add cantaloupe to your grocery list for the most health benefits you can find anywhere.

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